Saturday, March 17, 2012

Classic Car Auto Insurance Quote-find The Best One Today

A classic car auto insurance quote ?? ?ft?n times very difficult t? come b?. A classic car ?? very difficult t? ensure b?????? th???re ?? hard t? value, ?n? ???? th???re highly targeted b? thieves.

A???, generally speaking restrictions ?r? applied. F?r instance, ???r car usually h?? t? b? ?t ????t 15 years ???, ??? need a ???? driving record, ?n? drive th? car ?n a limited basis.

Even ?f ??? meet th??? requirement, ??? ?ft?n times won?t b? ?b?? t? obtain classic car insurance, depending ?n ???r individual situation. Remember th?t th??? car insurance companies ?r? taking ?n a lot ?f risk b? insuring a classic car, ?n? th?t?s wh? th?? ?r? ?? stingy ?b??t wh? th?? accept.

H?w???r, don?t b? discouraged; ???t b?????? ?t ?? difficult t? obtain a classic car auto insurance quote, ??? ??rt??n?? still ??n ??t one ?f ??? ?r? persistent. Here ?r? ??m? helpful tips t? h??? ??? find th? r??ht rate insurance f?r ???r classic auto.

One ?f th? b?????t reasons th? classic cars ?r? ?? hard t? insure ?? th?t th?? ?r? highly targeted b? thieves. Quite simply, classic cars h??? th? highest theft rate ?n th? country, m?k?n? a very difficult ?n? expensive t? insure.

A???, another consideration ?? th? valuation ?f th? classic car. Obviously, m??t newer cars ?r? easy t? value, ?? ??? simply look up th? look ?f th? blue book value. Once a car gets past a ??rt??n age, h?w???r, th?? ?t?rt going up ?n value again; th?? m?k?? ?t very difficult t? value.

Therefore, ??? probably don?t want t? ?? w?th a regular car insurance company f?r ???r classic car. Try t? focus ?n companies th?t specialize ?n ?n?? classic car insurance, ?? th???ll b? more experienced t? handle th? difficult nature ?f th?? insurance.

In fact, th?r? ?r? many th??? companies, ?n? finding th?m really isn?t th?t difficult. S?m? ?f th? major companies out th?r? ?r? Hagerty, Norwich union, ?n? Lelandwest.

Y?? ?h???? probably take a quote fr?m ??? three ?f th??? before m?k?n? ???r ???????n, ?n order t? find out wh??h ?? th? cheapest. A???, whichever one values ???r car th? highest m??ht b? th? best wh?n ??? ?? w?th, b?????? ??? ??t th? m??t money ?n th? case ?f a theft ?r accident.

Th? bottom line ?? th??: ?t ?? very difficult t? obtain a ???? classic car auto insurance quote today. H?w???r, don?t ??t th?t ?t?? ???. Wh?n ??? shop around ?n? compare rates w?th ???r? classic car insurance company, ??? w??? ??rt??n?? b? ?b?? t? obtain th? insurance ??? need.

If ??? ?r? persistent ??? ??n ??rt??n?? ?n??? ???r classic auto ?n? receive th? insurance ??? deserve. Th?r? ?r? few things ?n life ?? rewarding ?? fixing up ?n? maintaining ?n older car; n?t ?n?? ???? ?t turn heads, b?t ?? a lot ?f fun t? drive. Hopefully th??? tips w??? b? ?b?? t? h??? ??? ??t th? best classic car insurance quote possible, ?n? find th? coverage ??? need t? ??t ??? ?n th? road now.


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Door Hardware For Home Remodeling

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By admin | March 16, 2012

Door Hardware For Home Remodeling

However, if you are considering a big home remodeling project, don?t let your doors get lost in the shuffle. If you?re updating your entire home?s look ? it?s a good idea to give your door hardware an update. Even if you?re just replacing your door handles, you are instantly updating the look and feel of your entry way. This is what visitors into your home see first, and door hardware definitely makes a difference. Home accents are so much more than artwork, plants, and table coverings. As a homeowner, it?s important to concentrate on the details of your home in order to pull together your entire d?cor. For more information please visit ?Door Handles? lvk

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Archbishop Vincent Nichols: Gay relationships are 'a profound ...

Posted by The Hand on March 16, 2012 in Relationships |

Head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, Vincent Nichols, has likened committed gay relationships to ?friendship?.

Asked by Newsnight?s Jeremy Paxman what he would say to a gay couple who came to him seeking marriage, he said he would tell them that their relationship was the basis for a ?profound friendship?, not marriage.

The government has launched a 12-week consultation on allowing gay couples in England and Wales to marry.

Article source:


Tags: love, relationships


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The Architecture of a Social Business

Although I?m a technologist by trade, I?ve long been disabused of the notion that social business is first and foremost a technical discipline. While almost certainly a bit more art than science at the moment, it?s the human aspects of how social media changes the way we think and work that are ultimately the most important. These aspects are also the most challenging in terms of how to drive the effective cultural and organizational changes that lead to a successful outcome.

In fact, without addressing the human dimension head on, the power intrinsic to these new fundamentally open and participative methods of getting work done just won?t be properly harnessed. To try to help us get there, last year I explored the ?soft? yet critically important adoption issues of social business for both internal and external purposes that got into the details of how to address the people issues.

However, despite all of this, I still find that technology tends to grab mindshare almost right away in many social business discussions. Acquiring a social tool is often a means in and of itself, as if it represents the largest and most important part of the effort.

I should be very clear here: An extended exploration of social tech at some point is almost always necessary; while you can still be a social business without using any of the technology trappings, in the end it?s pretty hard going without the tools that naturally support the new social structure and processes within the organization. Most such attempts will end up largely reverting to the old way of working, which is inherently supported by the traditional technology infrastructure already in place, whether it?s e-mail, content/document management systems, CRM platforms, campaign management tools, etc. Instead, reconciliation of the existing IT portfolio with social media is required as major organizational activity.

Becoming Proactive with Social Business Design

There?s also the issue that social media now seems to be touching everything within our organizations. Everything is going social. Whether it?s merely the addition of sharing buttons on content within an existing app, or if it?s a fundamental reworking of a customer support system to be powered by mass community participation instead of trouble tickets, social is infusing our work environment in ways too numerous to count. I now hear from our clients on a regular basis that they are starting to feel ?surrounded by social.? Many of them want to regain intellectual control of the changes taking place. They want to know what all the moving parts are and how they are connected. This done, they can then reason and plan about their future social landscape and better support the changes required.

The High-Level Architecture of a Social Business

A bird?s-eye view of social business today then, from an architectural perspective, can give us a detailed sense of what we?re dealing with. Hard questions can be answered: What platforms and systems are involved in the transformation to social business? How are they connected? Are the systems of record connected to the systems of engagement? In what way? Where is social data stored, how is it structured, and how can best can we analyze and derive insight from it? And so on. These sorts of questions can be addressed by creating an architectural view for your organization that makes sense of the social technology onslaught, for there?s really no better word for what?s happening today.

To help organizations get started, I?ve provided above a notional and non-industry specific view of the high-level architecture of a social business. This view contains most of the key elements for the typical organization and how they are connected. It?s not a process view; architecture is primarily concerned about structural concepts and how they are related. For a dynamic perspective over time, I?ve explored the virtuous social business cycle before, though individual social business processes will all have their own unique and socially co-created workflow.

Instead, this is about the nouns, something I?ve explored at an even higher level with a enumeration of what is contained in the social business stack, a useful way of cross-checking the total palette that a social business effort can pull from.

Update: As I posted this, Haydn Shaughnessy of Forbes added to the conversation, rightly observing that the social business stack mentioned above is not about process. He however, has proposed a process-based stack worth taking a look at.

The architectural view presented here is by definition incomplete and only goes down to a certain level of detail, yet I believe it?s one of the most updated views of social business architecture available. Some of the elements that have been incorporated, such as unified communication, will be slightly controversial, yet if they are included here, the element is important and frequently encountered. In fact, the real point is that virtually all aspects of the enterprise will eventually have to reconcile with social in some way. Sometimes this will be almost automatic and sometimes it will be a major technical, political, or cultural battle. Technology adherence has aspects of religion to it in most organizations. So while the picture presented here looks attractive and compelling, it?s also one that will be far more complex and messier in reality.

This said, creating the picture of the architecture of your social business will help you be more proactive, innovative, and focused, all while also helping you communicate the changes that need to happen in your organization.

Elements of a Social Business Architecture

In terms of the specific elements of the notional architecture above, they are worth some detailed explanation, which you can find below, going roughly from left to right in the visual. Note: You can expand the visual above to full size by clicking on it.

  • Social Media Platforms. For social business activities that must connect with the world at large, these represent all the many social networks and communities that exist, from Facebook and Twitter down to the most obscure vertical or industry-specific community site.
  • External Social Business Services. These are the services that the company has deliberately crafted to engage the world. This can be community-powered solutions made from scratch or services such as social media marketing or crowdsourcing that taps into existing communities. These can include social product development, social marketing, Social CRM, B2B communities, and an endless variety of other social business services over time.
  • Service Delivery. While mobile-first is something that I?m now starting to see as a strategy from large company CIOs, the Web is still the biggest market though that will change in the next year. A large percentage of social business solutions will require a native mobile app going forward as well as distribution through a consumer or enterprise app store. There are now even social app stores from major vendors. Cloud delivery is increasingly the preference for most new vendor-provided (non-internally developed) social business solutions. Consumerization is having a profound impact on how applications of all kinds are developed, acquired, and used today and this is transforming service delivery of social business as well.
  • Social Foundation. An effective social business has a set of consistent identities for its workers across all social apps as well as powerful and effective discovery and search mechanisms that are fully federated and take a look at the entire link ecosystem of the organization. That social apps produce linked data that can be accessed by search engines, other apps (social or otherwise) has been validated as one of the most important aspects of social architecture. This is so vital I will be devoting an upcoming research effort on this. However, I find that there is often very poor emphasis on creating a healthy social data ecosystem so it?s emphasized on this view. The bottom line: Much of the longer-term ROI comes from keeping social data open, analyzable, and discoverable over time. Finally, a potent listening, analytics, and social business intelligence capability (within and outside the business) has become an essential capability to create, typically located inside the social business unit or center of excellence (CoE.)
  • Systems of Engagement. These are the primary social environments within the organization, as well as departmental social apps. These typical include a social intranet, an enterprise social network or ESN (Jive, Connections, SharePoint + Newsgator are the most common), unified communications platform (with support for social media), and even e-mail, which is very common and convenient on-ramp, off-ramp for social notifications and related activities, though it must be integrated with care. Social apps are often connected with the ESN?s activity stream and is a primary integration point with systems of record. The OpenSocial standard continues to show promise along with feeds and open APIs to bridge the engagement world with the transaction world as part of a well-organized yet lightweight integration effort.
  • Systems of Record. Long the bastion and core competency of IT departments, systems of record are now being reconciled with the engagement world. Connecting vital supply chain, ERP, human resources, and customer relationship management systems with the unstructured work in the organization is essential and has been a major realization in the Enterprise 2.0 community over the last year. Social business must be connected to the lifeblood of data and transactions in the company to improve collaboration, reduce data duplication and inaccuracy, and to use social as the connective tissue for real, on-the-ground work.

To wrap up, I?d like to reiterate that this is a high-level view that must be adapted to the realities of your organization. A real social business architecture has several additional layers of details including security platforms that understand social media, run-time management and governance components, and much more. The purpose of this is to put a line in the sand, create a starting point for those trying to create an up-to-date view of social business architecture, and to spur discussion so that the subject can be better understood and articulated to the industry as a whole as they move their businesses into the digital/social era.


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Thursday, March 15, 2012

S.Africa's Aveng H1 earnings slide by 30 pct

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa's biggest construction group Aveng reported a 31 decline in first-half profit, hit by contract execution problems in Australia and an industry-wide slump at home.

Aveng, which also operates in the Middle East, said diluted headline earnings per share totalled 67.5 cents in the six months to end-December compared with 98.2 a year earlier.

Headline EPS, the main profit measure in South Africa, strips out certain one-time items.

South African construction firms avoided the 2008 global building slump thanks to the construction boom in the run-up to the 2010 soccer World Cup.

But they are now struggling to replenish their order books as the South Africa government delays rolling out its nearly 1 trillion rand infrastructure investment package.

Aveng said its two-year order book rose by 24 percent to 46 billion rand in the past six months, underpinned by strong demand from mining and energy sectors in Australia.

Shares in the company have gained about 11 percent so far this year, outpacing a 5 percent gain the JSE All-share index.


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Iran's parliament questions President Ahmadinejad

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) ? Iran's parliament grilled President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday over a long list of accusations, including that he mismanaged the nation's economy and defied the authority of the country's supreme leader.

Ahmadinejad is the first president in the country's history to be hauled before the Iranian parliament, a serious blow to his standing in a conflict pitting him against lawmakers and the country's powerful clerical establishment.

Iran's constitution gives parliament the legal right to question the president, but the body had never before taken a step that undermined Ahmadinejad's prestige and could set the stage for his subsequent impeachment should lawmakers determine his answers were unsatisfactory.

Ahmadinejad sniped back defiantly at his questioners, displaying some of the populist touch that has won him a mass following despite his strained ties with clerical leaders.

The summons follows a long-awaited petition by a group of parliamentarians for a review of policy decisions by Ahmadinejad, who has come under increasing attacks in recent months from the same hard-liners who brought him to power.

Conservative lawmaker Ali Motahari, a prominent opponent of the president, read out a series of 10 questions to Ahmadinejad in an open session of parliament broadcast live on state radio.

Some of the most hard-hitting focused on Ahmadinejad's alleged defiance of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has final say on all matters of state, over the choice of intelligence chief.

Ahmadinejad resisted for 11 days an order from Khamenei to reinstate intelligence minister Heidar Moslehi, who had been sacked by the president in April 2011.

Ahmadinejad flatly denied that he challenged Khamenei.

The president, who appeared in parliament accompanied by eight senior Cabinet members, was also asked about a dramatic hike in prices and his failure to provide a budget to Tehran's subway system.

He was accused of speeding up implementation of an austerity plan to slash energy and food subsidies, raising prices for the middle class and the poor.

Ahmadinejad claimed his government has provided more money to municipalities than previous governments, and said price hikes has nothing to do with slashing subsidies.

Other biting questions were directed at Ahmadinejad's support for his protege and top aide, Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, who hard-liners accuse of heading a "deviant current" that sought to undermine Islamic rule and compromise the Islamic system. Some critics have even claimed that Mashaei conjured black magic spells to befuddle Ahmadinejad's mind.

Dozens of Ahmadinejad's political backers have been arrested or hounded out of the public eye by hard-line forces in recent months. Mashaei has been effectively blocked from his goal of succeeding Ahmadinejad when the president's term expires in 2013.

Instead of directly replying to the qestion, Ahmadinejad simply said he supports Iran's "history" and doesn't regret doing so.

Ahmadinejad repeatedly claimed he wants to share "jokes" with the lawmakers.

"Here is not a place to share jokes. This is the parliament. The president has no right to insult the legislature," lawmaker Mohammad Reza Khabbaz told the chamber angrily.

Ahmadinejad's closing words caused some of the largest uproar.

"It was not a very difficult quiz," he said of the questioners. "To me, those who designed the questions were from among those who got a master's degree by just pushing a button. If you had consulted us, better questions could have been drawn up," he said.

The president said he must be given a top score on the "quiz." ''Be fair. Give a good grade. Any grade of less than 20 (perfect) will be rude," he said.

Many lawmakers angrily denounced Ahmadinejad's performance, saying he insulted the elected parliament instead of responding to questions politely.

"The president's language was insulting during his entire speech. He escaped answering the questions. As predicted, we didn't receive any logical answer from the president," lawmaker Mostafa Reza Hosseini said.

"The parliament is now very much against the president. He didn't respect the house," parliamentarian Ghodratollah Ali Khani said. "Hopefully, the next step is Ahmadinejad's impeachment."


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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Roofing Murfreesboro - Storm Damage and Roofing Replacement ...

Last updated 1 day 5 hours ago

Aging materials and heavy weather damage can make roof replacements inevitable. However, taking the time to review your roof replacement options can help you make the most of your investment. Consider the following factors in order to receive the most cost-effective roofing upgrade:

  1. Contractor Selection
    Selecting the right contractor is an extremely important aspect of roof replacement. Experience and professional references should top priorities on a homeowner?s selection criterion. A broad portfolio ensures you that a contractor can deliver on his or her promises despite the unique challenges posed by your home. Proper state licensing is equally important in establishing the ethical practices of the roofing company. Lastly, use testimonials and Better Business Bureau reports as a final confirmation of a quality contractor!
  2. Environmental Conditions
    Your previous roof may have fallen into early disrepair under the influence of harsh weather. Make a list of the weather phenomena that most often impacts your household, and choose a material that defends your home against this type of damage. High heat, for instance, can cause premature damage to materials vulnerable to UV rays. Likewise, homes that often encounter heavy rain should prioritize a roofing solution that guarantees an effective water-proof seal. A knowledgeable contractor can assist homeowners in selecting the roof material that will best protect their home.
  3. Material Upgrades
    Don?t discount decorative influences when selecting roofing materials. Attractive installations can help to improve the overall curb-appeal of your home. Try to weigh beautification as a higher priority if you plan to move out of your home within a few years. This scenario ensures the home will be sold with roofing materials at their aesthetic peak. Asphalt shingles, for instance, have greatly improved in quality. Modern incarnations of this cost-effective option last longer and admirably mimic costlier materials. However, asphalt doesn?t match the cosmetic benefits that come with wood shingles or clay options.

Visit Fessler Home Improvement & Construction online today for a full list of our services. Additionally, homeowners can call our Murfreesboro location at (888) 473-0630 for quick answers to any home improvement questions.


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Need Help With Weight Loss? Try These Ideas! | New Health and ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Weight loss is a topic of vital importance for everyone that is truly interested in their health. Although many of us make weight loss our new year?s resolution, it is a topic that must be dealt with year round. The tips in this article are meant to help you become acquainted with weight loss strategies to employ to help ensure you make your goals.

Don?t be in such a hurry to get the food down your throat. Pace yourself. If you eat slowly and savor your food, you will not only appreciate what you are eating, but also the chances of you overeating are less likely. Your brain will know that your stomach is full after having eaten only a single portion, rather than after consuming enough food for several people

It has been found that people who eat eggs in the morning, remain less hungry than those who eat meals with lots of carbs. If you are trying to lose weight, it is important that you feel full for as long as possible. When you eat items that do not keep you full, you will end up eating more to avoid feeling hungry.

If you are accustomed to having snacks at night, make sure that you do not eat while you are watching television. Typically, programs are very long, which can increase the amount of time that you consume food. Save food for dinners, as this will help to limit the amount that you eat.

One trick to try while dieting is to leave the food dishes in the kitchen, prepare your plate and then bring your meal to the table. With the food in the kitchen you will be less likely to eat seconds since the extra food is not sitting in front of you while you are eating.

Before you embark on a weight loss quest, be sure to consult your physician. Your doctor is the one that can guide you in your quest in order to make sure you are being healthy and smart about your goals and your plan. Check in with your doctor often to ensure your body is performing optimally.

When you?re changing your lifestyle to lose weight you need all the support in the world. What we?ve included here is only a jumping off point, it?s up to you to make other changes that you feel comfortable with to increase your weight loss until your goal is met.

To get additional helpful information, please go to Zumba Fitness; as an option you can also visit for more details.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tebow Plays Football and ?Tebows? With 4-Year-Old Leukemia Patient

Preston Winslow, a four-year-old boy with acute myeloid leukemia, received the surprise of a lifetime on Saturday when Tim Tebow invited him to play some football.

Tebow Plays Football, Tebows With 4 Year Old Leukemia Patient

According to Preston?s mother, Tebow?s invitation was completely unexpected.? She said of the phone call, ?the person on the other end was like, ?Hi Celeste, this is Tim Tebow,? and in shock, I was like ?no way.??

Because Preston?s father was a University of Florida graduate, Preston has followed Tebow throughout his entire career.? When he met Tebow, he was wearing his number 15 Broncos jersey.

Tebow Plays Football, Tebows With 4 Year Old Leukemia Patient

The Daily Mail recounts:

?Taking the boy?s hand, the two walked onto the indoor sports field together which ? to his parents? surprise ? led to the two running and playing around.

?Are you ready to catch it??, Tebow asked the boy, according to WPTV. ?Are you chasing me??

?It amazes me at how much energy he had out there playing and running around. He didn?t even want to stop,? said Mrs Winslow.


Leaving no opportunity missed, Tebow also took time to show the boy how to ?Tebow? with him, as it?s called ? a popular reference to the athlete?s kneel for prayer during games.

Preston mimicked the stance, with both resting their left elbow on their left knee while their right knee stayed firmly on the ground.?

Despite a costly bone marrow transplant in June of 2011, the family discovered six months later that Preston?s cancer had returned.? According to Preston?s League, a website that his parents update, ?After two rounds of chemo, we have been told that treatment has not worked and Preston will not be able to move forward with a second transplant.??

Tebow Plays Football, Tebows With 4 Year Old Leukemia Patient

?I just think that it?s so wonderful that Tim reaches out to these kids, you know, who have these health issues and this prognosis and gives [them] his time and gives them some extra happiness,? Mrs. Willow said.?

Tebow, too, was reportedly incredibly moved by the event, and by Preston?s courage.


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Candidates spar before key Miss., Ala. primaries

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) ? Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum on Sunday nudged rival Newt Gingrich to step aside, arguing a head-to-head contest between himself and Mitt Romney should "occur sooner rather than later." A defiant Gingrich predicted victories in Tuesday's primaries in Alabama and Mississippi and called Romney the weakest GOP front-runner in nearly a century.

Santorum and Gingrich were campaigning hard two days before what has become a potentially decisive Southern showdown for the Republican contenders battling to challenge President Barack Obama in the fall.

Losing Alabama and Mississippi would effectively spell the end for Gingrich, who has banked his waning prospects on an all-Southern strategy. The former House speaker's lone primary wins have been in South Carolina and Georgia, a state he represented in Congress for 20 years.

A win for Romney in Alabama, where polling shows a tight contest between Romney, Gingrich and Santorum, could all but bring the GOP nominating contest to a close.

The former Massachusetts governor has built a substantial delegate lead against his rivals but has failed so far to win a state in the deep South, home to the Republican Party's most dedicated base voters. An Alabama victory would provide a key breakthrough for Romney among the socially conservative and evangelical voters who have thus far proven resistant to his candidacy.

Santorum, who has battled to be Romney's chief conservative foe, burnished his standing with a decisive win in Saturday's caucuses in Kansas. The former Pennsylvania senator also carried contests last week in Oklahoma and Tennessee, giving him a toehold in the South.

On NBC's "Meet the Press," Santorum said Gingrich's recent stretch of weak showings suggests he has few options left in the race. Gingrich placed third in Kansas and dead last in Wyoming, whose caucuses Romney won easily Saturday.

"The speaker can stay in as long as he wants, but I think the better opportunity to make sure that we nominate a conservative is to give us an opportunity to go head-to-head with Gov. Romney at some point and hopefully that will occur sooner rather than later," Santorum said, adding he wasn't directly asking Gingrich to get out.

Santorum attended Baptist church services in Tupelo, Miss., Sunday morning and had campaign stops scheduled in Meridian and Gulfport later in the day. Gingrich was also campaigning in Mississippi, where he attended church services at the First Baptist Church of Brandon and later headlined a rally there.

During church services, Gingrich stepped forward at the invitation of Pastor Scott Thomas to describe his religious evolution.

Gingrich, who recently converted to Catholicism, never mentioned his new faith but touched on his well-publicized, messy marital history.

"There are periods of my life in which I have sinned," Gingrich said. "I have been very, very fortunate that I have a very, very close relationship with Callista. ... I had to earn being a 68-year-old grandfather by living through things that I would never want my grandchildren to repeat."

Gingrich has been married three times. He had an extramarital relationship with Callista, his current wife, for six years while married to his second wife.

On "Fox News Sunday," Gingrich compared Romney to Leonard Wood, a U.S. Army general from New Hampshire who ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1920 but lost on the tenth ballot to Warren Harding.

"He's not a very strong front-runner," Gingrich said of Romney. "Almost all conservatives are opposed, which is the base of the party. And I think we are likely to see after the last primary in June, we're likely to see a 60-day conversation about what's going to happen." In August Republicans head to their national convention in Tampa, Fla.

Gingrich also took aim at Santorum, saying his support for earmarks and other spending projects while in Congress had alienated voters from the Republican party in 2006. Republicans lost both the House and Senate that year, and Santorum lost re-election to the Senate by an 18-point margin.

"This is somebody who on a number of occasions had Washington change him ? he admits it and he says it's a team sport. You had to go along to get along," Gingrich said of Santorum.

Romney had no campaign appearances Sunday but was scheduled to attend an event Monday night in Alabama.

Meanwhile, this campaign and an allied independent group were far outpacing his rivals on the air.

Restore Our Future, a super PAC run by former Romney advisers, was spending $1.42 million on ads in Alabama and $973,000 in Mississippi. The Romney campaign boosted its television ad spending from $165,000 to $233,000 in Alabama.

Gingrich and Santorum were also benefiting from air support from well-heeled outside groups.

The Gingrich campaign was running about $125,000 in ads in Alabama and $83,000 in Mississippi, while the pro-Gingrich super PAC Winning Our Future was spending $413,000 on ads in Alabama and $250,000 in Mississippi.

Santorum had only a nominal presence on the air in both states. But the Red White and Blue fund, his allied super PAC, was spending $275,000 on ads in Alabama and $235,000 in Mississippi.

Wins in the U.S. territories Guam, the Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands along with Wyoming helped Romney significantly pad his delegate lead in the race. The Associated Press calculates that Romney now has 454 delegates compared with 217 for Santorum, 107 for Gingrich and 47 for Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

A candidate must win 1,144 delegates to clinch the Republican presidential nomination at the national convention.


Elliott reported from Tupelo, Miss. Associated Press reporter Stephen Ohlemacher contributed to this report.

Follow Beth Fouhy on Twitter at

Follow Philip Elliott on Twitter at


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Monday, March 12, 2012

Review: Boid Twitter client for Android

YouTube link for mobile viewing

I've always got my eyes peeled for the next great Twitter client on Android. Ever since I discovered Plume, I was hooked, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to the next best thing. Carbon looks like it'll give everyone a run for their money, but in the meantime, folks running Ice Cream Sandwich on their phones might want to direct their attention to Boid for Android, a Holo-themed, Android 4.0 exclusive that looks to tear you from the clutches of your favorite client and bring you to the Boid Side.

From the moment you open Boid for Android, the Holo look is immediately evident. Unfortunately, there's nothing to guide you through setup, either. After staring blankly at the screen for a few seconds, I realized the icon of a person next to a plus sign was my ticket in.

Adding an account is the same as with any other Twitter client (login via your browser into the Twitter website, grant access to the app), and from there, all the accounts you've added will show up on the screen. When you want to access a particular feed, you just tap that account. From there, the fun really begins.

You've got the requisite Timeline, Mentions, and Messages, but there's also a Trends feed on the far right. You move from column-to-column by swiping left and right. It's all very intuitive, looks absolutely great with the Holo theme, and for an alpha, is pretty darn stable, to boot. Refreshing is done via the "Pull to Refresh" mechanic made popular by other apps, and as far as I can tell, that's the only way.

At the bottom of the screen are your main Twitter commands: New Tweet, Search, and Profile. Each one of them acts just as you'd assume, and the New Tweet menu not only lets you write, but also lets you attach a picture, take a picture, and tag your geolocation. Sure, these are all standard Twitter functions, but to see it all in such an early alpha is excellent.

Tapping on someone else's Tweet pulls up a different contextual menu. From there you can reply, re-Tweet, check out their profile, or star the Tweet. When you're on someone else's profile you can also mention them, direct message them, or block them. I don't think Team Boid has yet implemented marking something/someone as spam.

Overall, I'm very, very pleased with where Boid for Android is at. For a free app, it's polished, relatively stable, and has plenty of reasons to become your next Twitter app. The developers have big plans for the future, too. Says Team Boid:

Features coming soon: save position in lists, finished tweetcomposer (media and location attachment), font size customization, background notifications for mentions and direct messages.

And later: a paid version (donation version), home screen widget (in the paid version), Twitlonger API (for posting tweets that are over 140 characters).

Not bad, right? Boid for Android is free in the Google Play Store. We've got download links after the break.

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

See all of the luxury estates, homes, condominiums, townhouses or ...

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Showing properties 1 - 30 of 129. See more Venice community real estate.
(all data current as of 3/11/2012)

  1. 3 beds, 3.5 baths

    Home size: 13,796 sq ft

    Lot size: 12,067 sq ft

    Year built: 1994

    Parking spots: 10

    Days on market: 5

    Walk Score?: 78

  2. 9 beds, 7.0 baths

    Home size: 4,390 sq ft

    Lot size: 7,924 sq ft

    Year built: 1911

    Parking spots: 9

    Days on market: 61

    Walk Score?: 80

  3. 3 beds, 3.0 baths

    Home size: 5,720 sq ft

    Lot size: 3,354 sq ft

    Year built: 2007

    Days on market: 32

    Walk Score?: 86

  4. 7 beds, 9.0 baths

    Home size: 9,595 sq ft

    Lot size: 15,568 sq ft

    Year built: 1987

    Days on market: 60

    Walk Score?: 69

  5. 0 beds, 2.0 baths

    Home size: 2,915 sq ft

    Lot size: 10,706 sq ft

    Year built: 1965

    Parking spots: 22

    Days on market: 162

    Walk Score?: 75

  6. 0 beds, 0 baths

    Home size: 7,013 sq ft

    Lot size: 9,296 sq ft

    Year built: 1973

    Parking spots: 16

    Days on market: 65

    Walk Score?: 75

  7. 3 beds, 2.0 baths

    Home size: 5,060 sq ft

    Lot size: 2,570 sq ft

    Year built: 2008

    Parking spots: 2

    Days on market: 237

    Walk Score?: 80

  8. 4 beds, 3.0 baths

    Home size: 4,896 sq ft

    Lot size: 10,550 sq ft

    Year built: 1987

    Parking spots: 4

    Days on market: 60

    Walk Score?: 69

  9. 4 beds, 4.5 baths

    Home size: 3,250 sq ft

    Lot size: 4,800 sq ft

    Year built: 2009

    Parking spots: 4

    Days on market: 248

    Walk Score?: 45

  10. 6 beds, 5.0 baths

    Home size: 4,635 sq ft

    Lot size: 11,830 sq ft

    Year built: 1926

    Parking spots: 8

    Days on market: 51

    Walk Score?: 86

  11. 0 beds, 0 baths

    Lot size: 5,922 sq ft

    Year built: 1954

    Parking spots: 20

    Days on market: 100

    Walk Score?: 83

  12. 4 beds, 3.5 baths

    Home size: 3,216 sq ft

    Lot size: 2,550 sq ft

    Year built: 1990

    Parking spots: 2

    Days on market: 2

    Walk Score?: 94

  13. 5 beds, 5.0 baths

    Home size: 4,381 sq ft

    Lot size: 2,639 sq ft

    Year built: 1989

    Days on market: 164

    Walk Score?: 78

  14. 2 beds, 2 full baths

    Home size: 2,850 sq ft

    Lot size: 3,510 sq ft

    Year built: 1986

    Parking spots: 5

    Days on market: 110

    Walk Score?: 71

  15. 0 beds, 0 baths

    Home size: 2,232 sq ft

    Lot size: 4,051 sq ft

    Year built: 1921

    Days on market: 195

    Walk Score?: 80

  16. 3 beds, 3.0 baths

    Home size: 2,522 sq ft

    Lot size: 2,701 sq ft

    Year built: 2001

    Parking spots: 4

    Days on market: 155

    Walk Score?: 85

  17. 3 beds, 3.5 baths

    Home size: 3,208 sq ft

    Lot size: 5,715 sq ft

    Year built: 2009

    Parking spots: 4

    Days on market: 125

    Walk Score?: 72

  18. 4 beds, 3 full baths

    Home size: 3,400 sq ft

    Lot size: 3,600 sq ft

    Year built: 2011

    Parking spots: 6

    Days on market: 233

    Walk Score?: 78

  19. 0 beds, 0 baths

    Home size: 2,850 sq ft

    Lot size: 3,528 sq ft

    Year built: 1951

    Parking spots: 4

    Days on market: 13

    Walk Score?: 85

  20. 3 beds, 3.0 baths

    Home size: 2,376 sq ft

    Lot size: 3,145 sq ft

    Year built: 1923

    Parking spots: 2

    Days on market: 37

    Walk Score?: 88

  21. 3 beds, 3.0 baths

    Home size: 1,999 sq ft

    Lot size: 2,850 sq ft

    Year built: 1976

    Parking spots: 3

    Days on market: 134

    Walk Score?: 77

  22. 1 bed, 2.0 baths

    Home size: 1,900 sq ft

    Lot size: 3,092 sq ft

    Year built: 1923

    Parking spots: 3

    Days on market: 38

    Walk Score?: 80

  23. 0 beds, 0 baths

    Home size: 3,960 sq ft

    Lot size: 10,628 sq ft

    Year built: 1928

    Parking spots: 6

    Days on market: 277

    Walk Score?: 80

  24. 0 beds, 0 baths

    Home size: 4,445 sq ft

    Lot size: 3,001 sq ft

    Year built: 1986

    Parking spots: 4

    Days on market: 272

    Walk Score?: 75

  25. 7 beds, 4 full, 1 part baths

    Home size: 3,824 sq ft

    Lot size: 4,486 sq ft

    Year built: 1947

    Parking spots: 3

    Days on market: 55

    Walk Score?: 82

  26. 0 beds, 0 baths

    Home size: 3,824 sq ft

    Lot size: 4,486 sq ft

    Year built: 1947

    Parking spots: 7

    Days on market: 262

    Walk Score?: 82

  27. 5 beds, 3.0 baths

    Home size: 2,411 sq ft

    Lot size: 10,962 sq ft

    Year built: 1951

    Parking spots: 6

    Days on market: 12

    Walk Score?: 58

  28. 2 beds, 2.5 baths

    Home size: 2,693 sq ft

    Lot size: 1,873 sq ft

    Year built: 2003

    Parking spots: 2

    Days on market: 136

    Walk Score?: 77

  29. 3 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths

    Home size: 2,111 sq ft

    Lot size: 2,700 sq ft

    Year built: 1904

    Parking spots: 2

    Days on market: 5

    Walk Score?: 78

  30. 2 beds, 3.0 baths

    Home size: 2,592 sq ft

    Year built: 1923

    Days on market: 18

    Walk Score?: 31

Listing information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Read full disclaimer.


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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sarah Palin Bell Curveball: Obama Wants Pre-Civil War America

COMMENTARY | Sarah Palin sounded off on the President Barack Obama/Professor Derrick Bell video that Fox News Channel and commentators like Sean Hannity are attempting to present as controversial. In doing so, she admitted she was abhorrently ignorant of American history, especially as it pertained to legal issues and black persons before the Civil War.

Palin told Hannity "it has taken all these years for many Americans to understand that gravity, that mistake that took place before the Civil War" and that what Obama wants "to do is go back to before those days when we were in different classes based on income, based on color of skin."

It was against the continued racial injustices that Bell railed. A staunch proponent of affirmative action, Bell wrote what is considered the most definitive books on institutional racism in America, "Race, Racism and American Law," now considered standard reading in law schools nationwide. Bell, who died in October, is being cast by conservatives as one of Obama's "radical" connections before becoming president.

Perhaps someone should tell Palin there are history books that chronicle what life was like for black people before the Civil War, when they had no rights (unless they were "free Negroes") as humans. Classes and income? Slaves did not belong to a class (save maybe property) and they certainly weren't paid. Even black people with a mixed lineage like President Obama were subject to extremely discriminatory laws -- and only if they were protected by the law and only in certain parts of the nation.

So to hear Palin make the assertion President Obama would like to see the U.S. returned to antebellum days rings of the utmost ignorance of not just black history but the history of the U.S. and of what pre-Civil War America was like for millions of Americans.

If conservative pundits and politicians were the kind of people who apologized for misstatements and historical revision, Palin might backtrack and say she meant to say pre-Civil Rights legislation days. But don't wait for it. Like resurrecting that 150-year-old nation, that day will never come.


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If you choose to stay in the city instead of a National Forest, the city of Munising would be a great choice. There are an abundance of Michigan hotels in Munising city. Munising city has plenty of activities to choose from, anything from ferry rides to rental shops and gift shops as well. Many Michigan hotels are located very close to these activities, making them very easy to get to. One of the best parts about Michigan hotels is that some are located very close to vacation rentals shops. If you can, take advantage of the open year round vacation rentals and explore and enjoy the exciting ATV trails that Michigan has to offer, and this is all just minutes away from many Michigan hotels.

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Make Your Scrapbooks Look Cool With Embellishments | Obvious ...

Do you want to know how to make souvenirs while showing your creativity? Compiling a scrapbook is a great way to enhance your creativity. You can do more than putting photos in an album. Not only do you have your one-of-a-kind photos to work with, but also you can assemble your scrapbooks with virtually an unlimited array of embellishments to jazz them up. These decorations will make your scrapbook unique, fun, and creative.

What are embellishments? They are not just paper-made materials. They can actually be made from plastic, wood, cloth, metal, and other kinds of materials. There are numerous embellishments available in the market. Some examples include charms, braids, ribbons, buttons, beads, feathers, fibers, eyelets, hemp or jute cords, and tags. You can also use some personal items for embellishments, like tickets to a play, concert, or the like. You can make use of party invitations, snippets of wrapping paper from gifts and even the confetti. If you have a travel theme, include a map of the location of your vacation.

Glue dots are ideal for sticking embellishments since they are really strong and offer sufficient support for even the heavier kinds of embellishments. Just tear off the right size and put the embellishment on top of the glue dot. Apply it with a little pressure for a couple of seconds. Glue pens or double-sided tapes are good too. You may also wish to sew certain embellishments onto the page with embroidery floss and colored or invisible thread whichever meets your need. You also have the choice of using colored staples for attaching things to your scrapbook.

While you?re having fun decorating, remember that moderation is important. Do not lose sight of the fact that the photographs are the main focus of the page. Embellishments should only be used as an accent to compliment your photos. You surely don?t want embellishments to become the main attraction in a page.

Having embellishments in your scrapbook will make it far from plain and boring. Instead of just putting photos on a page, with the application of embellishments, you will get those creative juices flowing. You now know just some of the embellishments that are available to use and its time for you to jazz up those scrapbooks.

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Friday, March 9, 2012

Broncos, Vandals represented at the NCAA Indoor Track & Field Championships this week in Nampa

When Boise State senior weight thrower Mele Vaisima arrived at the Mountain West indoor championships, she knew she needed to beat her personal best by nearly 3 feet to earn a spot in the NCAA meet.

She beat it by nearly 4? feet.

Vaisima?s throw of 69 feet, 8? inches gives her the seventh seed for the NCAA Division I Indoor Track & Field Championships, which are Friday and Saturday at the Jacksons Indoor Track in Nampa.

The weight throw is Friday afternoon.

This is Vaisima?s first appearance at an NCAA championship meet, and it will be over before the meet truly gets rolling Friday evening.

?It goes by fast,? Vaisima said. ?But at the time, I feel like time is kind of standing still. The adrenaline level is all the way up there and I try to keep it cool. I can?t wait. I?m really excited.?

In the weight throw, the 17 participants each get three throws. The nine athletes with the best throws advance to the finals, where they get three more throws. The best throw out of six attempts wins.

Jeneva McCall of Southern Illinois leads the field by more than 6 feet, but Vaisima is less than 18 inches behind the No. 2 seed.

?Anything can happen in a meet like this,? Vaisima said. ?I have to go in there and do my own thing and not worry about what the other person is doing.?

After all, Vaisima wasn?t supposed to win the Mountain West title, either.

The favorite had a disappointing meet and Vaisima delivered that personal-record heave.

?Practice went really well,? she said. ?I made a few changes to my technique. I was ready.?

Vaisima is from Woods Cross, Utah, near Salt Lake City. She got into throwing heavy objects when the Judge Memorial High football coach approached her as a freshman.

?You look pretty strong,? he told her. ?Can you throw a shot put??

Her reply: ?What?s a shot put??

Outdoors, she competes in the shot put, discus and hammer. The hammer is her best event.

She has developed enough ? she threw the weight 60 feet, 2 inches at the WAC meet three years ago ? that she?s considering post-collegiate competition. She graduated in December with a social science degree.

?I love this,? she said of the competition. ?It?s intense.?


The senior from Grenada has won five conference titles and will appear in his third NCAA meet. He previously competed in the 2010 outdoor championships and 2011 indoor championships. He redshirted during the 2011 outdoor season, so this is his third straight season in which he has qualified for nationals.

Felix qualified 10th in the heptathlon with a school-record 5,771 points and 15th in the long jump.

He finished 11th in the heptathlon at the NCAA indoor meet last year.

?You?ve got depth (at the NCAA meets),? he said, ?so you?ve got to be on your A-game all the time.?

Felix?s strength is the outdoor decathlon, which includes his favorite event, the javelin.

But he has improved in the seven-event heptathlon this year because of better performances in the pole vault. The other six events are the 60 meters, long jump, shot put, high jump, 60 hurdles and 1,000.

?I learned to pole vault,? Felix said, explaining how his scores have improved. ?It?s just overcoming that fear that I had.?

Felix has struggled in the shot put this season and will need to improve there if he wants to challenge top-seeded Gunnar Nixon, an Arkansas freshman who qualified with 6,022 points.

?I know there?s going to be a lot of competition,? Felix said. ?I?ve got to step it up a lot more, just go out there and have fun and hopefully everything falls into place.?


Kiser didn?t have any plans for a competitive future after her career at Wenatchee (Wash.) High.

About two months before her expected enrollment at Western Washington, the Vandals called and offered her a track and field scholarship.

?That really affected why I got a lot better, because I had this idea of what a Division I athlete needs to be,? Kiser, a sophomore, said. ?They can?t be bad at anything. Even if you have weaknesses, they still have to be something you?re good at. I trained really hard. Also, I wanted to give back to coach (Wayne) Phipps and the University of Idaho for giving me a chance. He gave me an opportunity, so now I?m going to give everything I have back.?

Twenty-one months after that unexpected phone call, Kiser enters the NCAA meet as the ninth seed in the 3,000. She also made nationals in cross country last fall.

?Phipps is an amazing coach,? Kiser said. ?If you want to be successful, come here. I can say that very confidently if he can take someone at my level in high school and make me an athlete who competes at nationals.?

Kiser finished 85th out of 253 runners at the NCAA cross country meet. She has much higher hopes for this week.

?In cross country, I was just going to go in and get some experience,? she said. ?Here, I definitely feel like I?m someone you should watch out for.?

Kiser competes in the 800, mile and 3,000 indoors, with an emphasis on the 3,000. She competes in the 1,500 and 5,000 outdoors, with emphasis on the 5,000.

She?s improving rapidly, but isn?t sure if she?s getting faster or just improving her endurance. In the race in which she qualified for the NCAA meet, she ran at the back of the pack for 2,000 meters and then scampered past nearly everyone in the closing 1,000.

On Friday, she expects to react more to the field than the clock.

?Nationals isn?t about going out and getting the time you want,? she said. ?It?s about placing and competing. You have to react to what people are doing, but you can?t overreact to things. ? It?s not a very fun race if you?re not racing.?


Klas, a senior pole vaulter, is an even less likely elite competitor than Kiser.

The Moscow High graduate wasn?t recruited at all. He contacted the Idaho coaches and asked if he could join the team. They allowed him to walk on but told him that roster limits required them to make cuts.

?I was so paranoid the entire time that I wasn?t going to make the team,? he said. ?It really made me strive to compete harder and work harder ? and here I am, four years later.?

Klas earned a berth in the NCAA indoor meet for the third straight year this season. He?s seeded 10th in a tightly packed field.

?I think I have a legitimate chance of winning,? he said. ?Everyone who made it this year is within 4 or 5 inches of each other. It just takes one good jump.?

In the pole vault, jumpers get three chances to clear each height. If they fail, they?re knocked out. If there?s a tie, it?s broken by the fewest attempts used.

Klas tied for ninth at the 2010 indoor meet and finished 16th at the 2010 outdoor meet. He didn?t clear a height at the 2011 indoor meet because he was beaten down by the flu. He didn?t compete in the 2011 outdoor season, so this is his first shot at redemption.

?Certain things are out of your control,? he said, ?but I?m definitely looking forward to having an opportunity to compete and actually beat some people this year. Having been there a few times, it helps a lot with the nerves. ? I know the good and the bad, and I also know the level of competition I?ll be competing against.?

Chadd Cripe: 377-6398


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Thursday, March 8, 2012

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Auto Racing Packs from the Store

One more form of auto racing game that may be performed around the computer system is generally bought from the store retailer. These games are usually three-dimensional in character, have great graphics, and give quite a few distinctive capabilities that 1 can place into the video game. For instance, quite a few of those retailer retail car racing games enable the driver to be in a position to pick out their own auto, choose irrespective of whether it will be automated or possibly a guide, as well as pick out the colour in the auto also. You will discover also some high-priced auto-racing personal computer games which will be bought that may allow the individual, or driver, to unlock particular amounts, throughout the game. These ranges may possibly incorporate getting able to have a lot more vehicles, the capacity to pace faster, too because the capability to unlock diverse automobile racing scenes.

When taking part in car racing games on the computer, you will find also specific manage characteristics that happen to be routinely offered inside the game. For example, some computers are in a position to have a joystick manage that may permit the men and women to have a lot more manage over the way that vehicle is maneuvered, at the same time as more manage more than whether or not the acceleration is pushed or even the deceleration is selected. Whenever participating in any auto racing activity, irrespective of whether it really is to the computer or not, all of these issues must be taken into account.

All in all, though, automobile racing games are several in the genres of video games for that laptop or computer that garner an entire large amount of interest. For the reason that the activity of automobile racing is well-liked currently, there are plenty of persons who really like to simulate the feeling LeBron James Jersey also!

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Scope and Objective of the Standard and Borrowing Costs | Free ...

Scope and Objective of the Standard and Borrowing Costs

This standard is mandatory and comes into effect in respect of accounting periods commencing on or after 1.4.2000. This statement should be applied in accounting for borrowing costs. Borrowing costs include:

(a) interest and commitment charges on bank borrowings and other short-term and long-term borrowings;

(b) amortisation of discounts or premiums relating to borrowings;

(c) amortisation of ancillary costs incurred in connection with the arrangement of borrowings;

(d) finance charges in respect of assets acquired under finance leases and under other similar arrangements; and

(e) exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings to the extent that they are regarded as adjustment to interest costs.

ICAI in its pronouncement ?Guidance Note on Audit of Miscellaneous Expenditure? have allowed deferment of certain expenses, such as discount, premium and ancillary costs relating to borrowings. The amortisation period may be directly related to some other account as in the case of debenture discount and debenture issue expenses. Where a fixed period is not involved, prudence would dictate write off not exceeding 3-5 years. The cumulative amortised costs upto the time the asset is ready for its intended use are borrowing costs and should be capitalised. The unamortised portion of such expenses at the date the asset is ready for its intended use will continue to be amortised as per the amortisation policy.

Finance charges in respect of assets acquired under finance leases are borrowing costs and can be capitalised. One has to exercise caution in interpreting this clause As per AS-19 on ?Leases?, assets acquired on finance leases are now required to be capitalised by lessees. The lease rentals are allocated against repayment of borrowings and financing costs at the implicit rate of return. Financing costs cannot be capitalised if the asset acquired under finance lease is ready for its intended use when acquired; for example, a car. Financing costs incurred upto the time the asset is prepared for its intended use can be capitalised. For example, if a generator is obtained on finance lease, which is going to form part of a huge power plant, financing costs incurred upto the time the power plant is ready will be capitalised.In the case of foreign borrowings where the interest cost is not hedged any exchange difference arising out of converting the interest payable at the closing exchange rate will be eligible for capitalisation. In the case of forward contracts, the difference in the forward rate and the exchange rate at the date of the transaction is recognised as exchange difference (income or expense as the case may be) over the life of the contract. If interest cost is covered by forward contracts, the exchange difference so arising would be borrowing costs for purposes of AS-16.

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