Friday, August 31, 2012

Tricks And Tips You Need To Know About Landscaping ? White ...

Plant your lawn in layered horizontal segments for the most visual interest. The tallest plants are typically planted as a background element in the various segments of a landscaping plan. Position your other plants around them varying the height from tallest to shortest as you move away from the central element of a segment.

Check outside of the Internet and large home improvement stores for your plants and materials. You may find botanical centers holding sales on plants. You may even want to ask around the neighborhood or check the classified ads to see if anyone has extra perennials that they are looking to get rid of.

Be neighborly. Landscaping equipment is expensive. Before you spend money on it, see if any of your neighbors are interesting in landscaping their yard as well. If they are, suggest that you split the cost of equipment rental. You could save a lot of money by simply taking the time to be sociable.

Add new mulch to your garden regularly. Mulch helps to keep your plant?s moist, and it can repel insects as well. In addition, it is pretty to look at a freshly mulched garden. You will also slow down the growth of weeds by keeping your garden mulched on a regular basis

A great landscaping tip that anyone and everyone should implement is to sketch out what they would like their landscaping to look like before starting out on any work. Making a detailed sketch will give you something to refer to while you work and it will also give you an idea of what your project will look like upon completion.

Before beginning any landscaping job or even buying any equipment, it is a good idea to have a thorough plan of what you want to accomplish. Be as precise as possible on what features you want to add or remove, so that you will know exactly what needs to be bought to complete the task, and how long it will take.

Before beginning a landscaping project investigate what it might do to your property tax bill. There are a number of projects that can greatly increase the value of your home, which will results in yearly payments via taxes on your landscaped yard. Be sure these costs are something you are willing to incur before you begin.

So you have decided to do some landscaping around your home. One of the first things that you need to do now is to put your plans on paper, before you start purchasing supplies. Begin by sketching the design of your landscaping on a piece of paper. By doing this, you will know precisely what all you need, which will help you plan a budget, and avoid wasting money.

When you are purchasing flowers look for perennials rated for your zone. Annuals are great for quickly creating a colorful flowerbed, but they will need to be planted again the following year. Perennials come back year after year and cut down on the work and expense of maintaining a beautiful flower garden.

Divide your landscaping projects into phases. It is very uncommon for people to have enough money to do all of their landscaping jobs at one time. Rather than trying to finish the job in one period, divide the job into different periods and pay for each one as you are able to afford it. This will help you save money while being able to assess and adjust your landscaping if needed.

Your brain should now be swarming with ideas about how you want to change your home?s landscape. Go ahead and use some of the ideas you learned today, but remember to always be on the lookout for new information, as well. You never know what you might come across when thinking of landscaping your home.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

No surprises at Angola's 2nd election in 20 years

FILE - An April 12, 2008 photo from files showing Angola's President Jose Eduardo dos Santos arriving at the Mulungushi International Conference Center in Lusaka, Zambia. Angola?s second election in 20 years will test the popularity of dos Santos after a decade of peace that has brought much prosperity to the country rich in oil and diamonds though more than a third of citizens still live in abject poverty. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe, File)

FILE - An April 12, 2008 photo from files showing Angola's President Jose Eduardo dos Santos arriving at the Mulungushi International Conference Center in Lusaka, Zambia. Angola?s second election in 20 years will test the popularity of dos Santos after a decade of peace that has brought much prosperity to the country rich in oil and diamonds though more than a third of citizens still live in abject poverty. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe, File)

(AP) ? Angola's second election in 20 years will test the popularity of President Jose Eduardo dos Santos after a decade of peace has brought fabulous wealth for some in a country rich in oil and diamonds but left more than a third of its citizens mired in abject poverty.

The 70-year-old dos Santos, who has never been directly elected in 32 years in power, is widely expected to stay in the presidency in the legislative elections Friday that will also determine who gets to lead the former Portuguese colony.

Still, his opponents have grown outspoken, like thousands of young people who appeared at an opposition protest last weekend to demand that the elections be free and fair. Many of the protesters were unemployed, and angry that so many Angolans have not benefitted from the country's resurgence after decades of war.

"Where does all our wealth go? Angola is rich, but Angolans suffer!" said Adriano Luca.

Jose Pex do Rio said he was protesting even though he belongs to dos Santos' ruling party.

"This government needs to change," he declared, adding, "Not all of us protesting against electoral fraud belong to UNITA," the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola and the biggest opposition party.

Among objections are alleged errors on the list of registered voters. "Even the dead will vote during these elections!" exclaimed Pedro Diogo.

On Friday some 9.7 million people, about half the population, are registered to vote for nine contending parties and coalitions. The National Elections Commission rejected 18 opposition coalitions, along with a raft of complaints. Ascertaining voters' identities could be a problem since, according to the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa, only 5.7 percent of Angolans have any kind of legal document.

The scoreboard is mixed in this southern African nation which was a Cold War battlefield for 27 years, with dos Santos' Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola , or MPLA, backed by Cuban soldiers and a Soviet war chest, pitted against Jonas Savimbi's UNITA, which was backed by apartheid South Africa and the United States. Half a million people died in the war, more than 4 million ? a third of the population ? was displaced and much infrastructure was destroyed.

Since the war ended soon after Savimbi's death in a clash with government troops, Angola has dominated the list of the world's fastest growing economies and is sub-Saharan Africa's second-largest oil producer, after Nigeria. Oil-backed credit lines from China ? Angola is China's No. 1 oil supplier ? have fueled a building boom of houses, hospitals, schools, roads and bridges. Average life expectancy went up from 45 in 2002 to 51 in 2011, and the average Angolan now has nine years of schooling compared to five in 2000.

But 87 percent of urban Angolans live in shanty towns, often with no access to clean water, according to UNICEF. More than a third of Angolans live below the poverty line. In 2011, Angola ranked 148 out of 187 countries on the U.N. Human Development Index and 168 out of 183 on Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index.

In the runup to the election, the biggest surprise was the creation in April of the Broad Convergence for Angola's Salvation which unites former key UNITA figure Abel Chivukuvuku and Andre Gaspar Mendes de Carvalho, a former general in dos Santos' army and the son of one of Angola's most famous nationalists.

"The MPLA's behavior during the electoral process has at times been unlawful, which leads us to conclude that, if fraud is necessary to win, the MPLA will commit fraud," Mendes de Carvalho told The Associated Press.

As an example of the uneven playing field, he pointed to the fact that dos Santos' party has been campaigning for months using government resources while opposition parties get only $80,000 each from government coffers, much of it delivered belatedly.

Dos Santos' party also has a near-monopoly on the national media that it has used to help campaign. It has emphasized the government's reconstruction of the country after the civil war, the president's role as an "architect of peace," improved democracy, housing, educational, health and entrepreneurial projects and job creation.

Still, unemployment stands officially at 26 percent and is much higher among young people.

"Angola: Growing more, distributing better," is the ruling party's election slogan, hinting at disparities in wealth distribution.

UNITA leader Isaias Samakuva has promised, if elected, to raise the monthly minimum wage from less than $100 to $500 in a country with the most expensive capital in the world for expatriates. Samakuva also promised to launch an emergency program to fight poverty and introduce separate presidential and legislative elections.

"Most Angolans are left at the mercy of hunger and misery," Samakuva wrote in the UNITA election manifesto.

Samakuva said he had confirmed reports that soldiers in the Military Affairs Cabinet that reports directly to the office of the president are being trained to work in polling stations under the pretext of being logistical supervisors and polling agents. The same thing happened in 2008 when the military was involved in transportation, distribution and handling of ballots, ballots boxes and minutes for election results, according to Chatham House, the London-based independent policy institute

In legislative elections in 2008, dos Santos' party swept to victory with 82 percent of votes. UNITA won only 8 percent but is expected to pick up a few more votes Friday from people unhappy with the lack of democracy and inequalities. Presidential elections scheduled 2009 were never held. Last year, the government changed the constitution so that the No. 1 candidate of the winning party in parliamentary elections becomes president.

UNITA alleges numerous violations that would make the vote neither free nor fair, though it has won some victories. Allowing Angolans overseas to vote and early voting have been cancelled by the elections committee, denying a form of voting that many feared would allow fraud. And UNITA's charges that the former electoral commission chairman was partisan led to her being replaced by Supreme Court Judge Andre da Silva Neto. The vote will be monitored by 3,000 national and 1,500 international election observers, though all have yet to be accredited by the elections committee.

The campaign period has been marred by government-sponsored political violence, intimidation of protesters and crackdowns on peaceful demonstrations in order to influence the elections, Human Rights Watch charged in an Aug. 1 report.

Last month, the New York-based rights organization accused the government of abductions and possible enforced disappearances of several protest organizers. It said there are unconfirmed reports that three protesters were shot and killed during a protest by war veterans demanding to be paid their social subsidies and pensions.

Last Saturday's opposition protest was peaceful. Most attendees were under 35, some from the small revolutionary youth movement which accuses the government of corruption, mismanagement of oil revenues and causing widespread poverty. It is inspired by the uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East and by local anti-government rappers.

"At a public school or hospital, you won't meet the child of any of our public officials. They undergo medical treatment abroad. Their kids study abroad," rapper MC K told a reporter. "My ideal Angola is one with equal opportunities for all."

Associated Press


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Soldier who lost leg works as US Open ballperson

Ryan McIntosh picks up a ball while working a match in the second round of play at the 2012 US Open tennis tournament, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, in New York. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)

Ryan McIntosh picks up a ball while working a match in the second round of play at the 2012 US Open tennis tournament, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, in New York. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)

Ryan McIntosh, right, takes the extra balls from Albert Montanes of Spain while working a match in the second round of play at the 2012 US Open tennis tournament, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, in New York. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)

(AP) ? The red, white and blue sticker that U.S. Open ballperson Ryan McIntosh wears on his carbon-fiber prosthetic right leg packs a meaningful message: "Freedom is not free, but it's worth fighting for."

Yet if the time he spends chasing tennis balls and handing water and towels to the world's best players goes the way he hopes, hardly anyone will notice it.

An Army specialist who lost his leg when he stepped on a land mine in Afghanistan two years ago, McIntosh is spending the end of his summer working for $7.75 an hour at Flushing Meadows. His goal: Trying to be helpful and invisible at the same time, an inspiration to people like himself but not a distraction to those he's working for.

"I'm just a ballperson when I'm here," McIntosh, a 23-year-old from San Antonio, said Wednesday. "It's the same when I'm in the Army. I'm just a specialist. I'm not anything special. I don't consider myself a wounded warrior. When I have my uniform on, you cannot tell. And that's kind of my biggest goal here, too."

That the Paralympic Games opened in London on Wednesday was not lost on McIntosh, who paid little attention to Oscar Pistorius before his injury but is now more in touch with the "Blade Runner's" role in inspiring amputees to compete in both able-bodied and paralympic sports.

Pistorius, who made his London Olympic debut in the 400 meters, was born without fibulas and his legs were amputated below the knee before he was a year old. McIntosh was walking single file through a river valley near Kandahar with his platoon in December 2010 when he stepped on a pressure-plate land mine. It detonated and catapulted him 10 feet in the air. About a half-hour later, he was in surgery. His leg was amputated mid-shin.

Working a match on Court 4, McIntosh hustled to every ball, anticipated when the players would need their towels and tossed with a nice, low ball flight that one of his teammates on the crew, Jerry Loughran, said "would work perfect" in Arthur Ashe Stadium.

"They asked me, 'Can you throw a tennis ball?'" McIntosh said. "I said, 'I've thrown grenades, so I think I can handle a tennis ball.'"

The idea that he might become a ballperson surfaced earlier this year in Colorado Springs, Colo., where McIntosh, a promising sprinter in high school, competed in the Warrior Games ? an Olympic-style sports festival for wounded military.

He tried out along with about 600 people and made the cut. He's been working side courts so far in the tournament, with one brief stint in Louis Armstrong Stadium for American James Blake's match.

"I don't want to be callous, but leg or no leg, they have to be at the same level of capacity," said McIntosh's U.S. Open supervisor, Tina Taps. "He shines out there. And with his military background and sense of teamwork, he personifies what we want to do with these kids."

If he's getting noticed on the courts, it's only in a positive way.

"I had some tension at the beginning of the match, but then I saw him and I thought, 'OK, you're fine. Life is good,'" said Pauline Parmentier of France, who defeated No. 25 Yanina Wickmayer on Court 4. "He was good at his job, very good."

McIntosh isn't the only amputee working as a ballperson at Flushing Meadows.

Denise Castelli, 26, of Netcong, N.J., worked last year's U.S. Open and is back again.

McIntosh is part of the U.S. Tennis Association's effort to reach out to military members and introduce them to physical and psychological benefits of tennis. Next Monday is Military Day at the U.S. Open and McIntosh will work in Arthur Ashe Stadium, where there will be wounded soldiers watching from the suites.

"My big picture is just to honor those guys who have been injured just like I was and say, 'You guys can still do anything you want,' " McIntosh said.

His accident occurred four months and three days before his son, Kaden, was born. McIntosh said he was in a hurry to start walking, then running again so he could be up to full speed before the baby had a chance to note there was anything "different" about Dad.

"When I was growing up, my dad was always my coach, always right by my side. That's what I want to do with my son," McIntosh said.

He currently works as the adaptive sports coordinator in the Army, helping wounded soldiers get back into sports while they recover from their injuries.

If things work out, McIntosh wants to take a break from that job and start training seriously for the 2016 Paralympics. A major step will come next year at the Warrior Games, where, if he performs well enough, he could get financial help for his training.

For now, though, his focus is at Flushing Meadows. And though tennis had never been his thing before this year, the idea of helping others while challenging himself is a natural fit.

"It does coincide, because that's who I am," he said. "If you need anything out of me, I'm going to do it, no matter what."

Associated Press


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

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Oil prices fall amid calls for increased output

BANGKOK (AP) ? Crude prices fell Wednesday after finance ministers from the world's leading industrialized economies called on oil producers to increase output and said they stood ready to ask the International Energy Agency to release strategic reserves.

Benchmark oil for October delivery fell 48 cents by midday Bangkok time to $95.85 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose 86 cents to finish at $96.33 per barrel on the Nymex on Tuesday.

Brent crude fell 9 cents to $112.49 in the ICE Futures exchange in London.

A statement released by the Group of Seven finance ministers and posted on the U.S. Treasury Department website late Tuesday said the ministers were concerned about the impact of rising oil prices on the global economy and were prepared to act.

"We encourage oil-producing countries to increase their output to meet demand," the statement said. "We stand ready to call upon the International Energy Agency to take appropriate action to ensure that the market is fully and timely supplied."

The Obama administration has also said it would consider releasing oil from the country's emergency reserves to keep fuel prices in check.

Benchmark U.S. oil has risen about 22 percent since late June. Brent crude, which is used to price international blends that many U.S. refineries use to make gasoline, is up about 23 percent in the same period.

Meanwhile, analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch said in a market commentary that the eurozone debt crisis was weighing on oil prices and that without banking integration and monetary easing by the European Central Bank, "downside risks to oil will likely keep growing."

Proposals from the European Commission for unified supervision of banks within the European Union are expected next month, and some view it as a key step toward ending the continent's financial crisis.

Hurricane Isaac, a Category 1 storm, made landfall Tuesday night but appeared to be weakening, easing fears about how much ? and for how long ? the storm's powerful winds and driving rains would affect oil production and refinery operations in Gulf of Mexico region.

Refineries should escape significant damage if Isaac remains a Category 1 storm.

In other energy trading, heating oil fell less than one cent to $3.122 per gallon. Natural gas fell nearly 2 cents to $2.596 per 1,000 cubic feet.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mechanism provides clues for research into pancreatic diabetes

ScienceDaily (Aug. 28, 2012) ? Mice develop pancreatic diabetes (type 3c) when they lack certain genes in the E2F group, and to understand how this happens, Olatz Zenarruzabeitia has focussed on the molecular mechanism behind it. This researcher works at the laboratory of Ana Zubiaga, Professor of Genetics of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU); this was where an article that appeared in the journal Nature in 2010 on this line of research was published.

The keys in this process have now been described, and using them as a basis it has been possible to prevent mice lacking these E2F genes from developing pancreatic diabetes. In fact, 8 or 9 % of the diabetes suffered by humans belongs to this type, and so this mechanism could be used as a model in the long term for creating therapies. Zenarruzabeitia has defended her thesis dealing with these results under the title Mecanismos moleculares implicados en la homeostasis tisular: papel del eje E2F-p53 (Molecular mechanisms involved in tissue homeostasis: role of the E2F-p53 axis).

The E2F1 and E2F2 genes (belonging to the E2F group) play key roles in tissue homeostasis; or, to put it another way, in properly maintaining organs. They regulate cell proliferation which is indispensable for preventing alterations in homeostasis. As Zenarruzabeitia explains, in the specific case of pancreatic homeostasis, the damage caused by the lack of activity of or presence of these two factors is already known: "A few years ago we removed E2F1 and E2F2 from mice, and we saw that this led to pancreatic atrophy, the development of diabetes and premature death. In the current work, we have gone further into the molecular mechanism that explains this."

Not enough E2F, too much p53

When E2F1 and E2F2 are missing, the DNA replicates more than it should. Zenarruzabeitia has described the mechanism in depth; she has observed that this over-replication damages the DNA and the p53 gene pathway is activated; in other words, causing it to express itself more. That is the crux of the matter, since this gene leads to programmed cell death (apoptosis), and the appearance of alterations here is very damaging. As the researcher explains, in this case, "p53 is more active, which leads to the overexpression of the proteins involved in apoptosis. That is when pancreatic atrophy followed by diabetes occurs." So the lack of E2F1 and E2F2 combined with the gene p53 has much to do with the development of pancreatic diabetes, as confirmed in mice.

In this respect, Zenarruzabeitia has sought a model to prevent pancreatic diabetes appearing by also removing p53 from the mice already lacking E2F1 and E2F2: "We crossed mice that did not have E2F1 or E2F2 with others lacking p53, and that way we obtained mice that did not have any of the three. We saw that as they did not have p53, the pathway could not be activated. So there was no pancreatic atrophy and they didn't develop diabetes, either."

Despite having described the molecular mechanism only for the case of the pancreas, the results obtained also affect other organs. In fact, apoptosis is not restricted to the pancreas of mice lacking E2F1 and E2F2: "For example, they also suffer damage to the salivary gland and the testicles, and when p53 is de-activated, these organs also recover. We have seen that the atrophy recedes, since the weight and histology of the organ recover."

The description produced with respect to this mechanism in mice may also be of use in researching the same thing in humans. What is more, as Zenarruzabeitia points out, more and more cases of human diabetes (8-9 %) are linked to the loss in pancreatic mass, in other words, to type 3c diabetes. "The mechanism is not known; it is possible that what we have described in mice also occurs in humans. It could be a good model to go on studying this type of diabetes, which is seen more and more in humans." This model could be used to implement research that could help to gain a better understanding not only of 3c diabetes itself, but also of the disorders linked to pancreatic degeneration, so that, in the long term, the possibility of designing therapies based on E2F factor biology could come about.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Basque Research.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Rosie O'Donnell: I'm married, selling art on eBay

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Rosie O'Donnell has announced that she married her fiancee, Michelle Rounds, in a private ceremony in June, just days before Rounds had surgery to treat desmoid tumors.

The 50-year-old TV personality also said Monday on her blog that she is selling original paintings on eBay to raise money for the Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation.

A spokeswoman for O'Donnell confirmed the nuptials and fundraising efforts.

Rounds was diagnosed with desmoid tumors in June. She and O'Donnell wed in New York on June 9, and Rounds underwent surgery June 14. Desmoid tumors occur rarely and can affect almost any area of the body. The tumors can be fatal.

O'Donnell has had health issues of her own. She said Aug. 20 that she recently suffered a heart attack.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Michael Atkins - Seattle Trademark Lawyer - Analyzing the ...

Following is a guest post from my former student and recent UWSL LL.M. graduate, Aman Gebru, on the evolving?theory of contributory trademark dilution, a claim he notes recently got traction in a local case.?This?post is adapted from his seminar paper entitled: ?The Claim of Contributory Dilution under the Trademark Dilution Revision Act.? In the fall, Mr. Gebru will continue his legal studies at the?University of Toronto, where he will pursue the equivalent of a Ph.D.

Praise and criticism?for claim of contributory dilution:

?[It is] the most pernicious concept ever to come out of trademark theory.? -Mark A. Lemley, The Modern Lanham Act and The Death of Common Sense.

?[S]ome form of imputed liability for dilution is no more ?pernicious? than dilution itself? -John T. Cross, Claim for Contributory and Vicarious Liability.

??While there is no authority directly on point, there would seem to be no logical reason why the doctrine of contributory infringement should not apply to a claim under the federal anti-dilution law.? -J. Thomas McCarthy, McCarthy on Trademarks.

?It would be inconsistent with the Trademark Dilution Act to prohibit a cause of action for contributory dilution.? -Hon.?Ricardo Martinez, Microsoft v. Shah, No. 10-653 (W.D. Wash. Jan. 12, 2011).

Imagine that Napple, a famous electronics producer, has succeeded in giving consumers a ?high-social-class? impression through its smart-phone and laptop products. Simply put, consumers feel classy when they purchase Napple?s products. Marketers have identified?this method of marketing is what drives the high demand for Napple?s products. MicroGoogle, Napple?s arch-rival, wants to destroy the advantages its competitor has gained through this strategy. MicroGoogle?s CEO consults her lawyers, who say if MicroGoogle uses Napple?s trademark in a confusing way?or?directly dilutes it, they would be liable. Therefore, MicroGoogle?s CEO decides that?MicroGoogle instead should use Napple?s trademarks in a way that reduces its high-class impression. The strategy works, and?a sharp decline is noticeable in Napple?s sales shortly thereafter. Within weeks, MicroGoogle decides to go for the kill shot, and?pays the influential ?Rapper?Snapper,? to use offensive slang in reference to people using Napple?s products in his music. Napple, furious about the issue,?decides to bring a suit against MicroGoogle.???

Does Napple have a valid claim for contributory dilution against MicroGoogle?

The cause of action for dilution is unique in trademark law. Traditionally, protection was limited to guard against the confusing use of?a distinctive mark, in an effort to?protect?consumers. Under?dilution principles, there is no requirement to show confusion. In dilution,?the plaintiff is saying ?I have invested so much in promoting my famous mark, and its?distinctiveness is being ?blurred,? or its wholesomeness is being ?tarnished,? by the defendant.?

Although the?dilution?has become?widely accepted, the claim of contributory dilution has had a different fate. Most?courts faced with the claim failed to give direction?as to?whether a valid claim for contributory dilution exists. While Congress had the chance to clarify the confusion when it enacted the Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006,?it actually?added to the confusion when it excluded the contribution to a ?fair use dilution? from liability and kept silent about the contribution to ?non-fair-use? dilution. The confusion has not been clarified for some time.

That is, until the Western District?recognized what some have called???a novel cause of action? and denied a motion to dismiss?the claim in July?2012 in Microsoft v. Shah. While earlier courts struggled with the notion that such a cause of action should be recognized, Judge Ricardo Martinez?held: ?It would be inconsistent with the Trademark Dilution Act to prohibit a cause of action for contributory dilution.???Since most of the decisions regarding the cause of action have been made by trial?courts, however, it is still not clear if?a valid claim for contributory dilution will exist on a broader scale. The issue becomes more interesting when one considers the enormous amount of investment required to create a?famous, wholesome, and highly distinctive mark. The recent debate and lobbying regarding proposed SOPA/PIPA legislation may also put pressure on the issue of contributory liability for dilution online.?

My paper (accessible?here) discusses?case law regarding contributory dilution from various circuits and analyzes the direction courts seem to be heading. I argue that even if the status of the claim is not yet clear, courts should give broader?recognition to the claim and use existing jurisprudence to provide for its elements?? similar to?the accepted cause of action for contributory?trademark infringement.

Thank you, Aman!

N.B.?Readers may remember the Shah decision from STL?s post here.


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In Canada, the Impact of America's New Patent Law Is Seen ...

In an article published in Monday?s New York Times and available now online, I wrote about a lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of the nation?s new patent law, the America Invents Act.

Opponents of the law say it would hurt small inventors and American innovation. Supporters of the legislation, which passed by large majorities in both the House and the Senate, say the constitutional critique is misguided. They also assert that the fears of small inventors are greatly exaggerated, and that the new law will streamline the patent system and thus invigorate the nation?s innovation ecosystem as a whole.

Reasonable people ? and others ? can disagree. But a research paper scheduled for publication in the current volume of the Stanford Law Review takes a look at a similar law change in Canada in 1989 and analyzes the impact.

The research, by David S. Abrams, an economist at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, and R. Polk Wagner, a professor at the law school, concludes that patents awarded to individual inventors dropped by 15 percent after the legislative change in Canada.

?Our findings,? the authors write, ?do not augur well for small inventors in the United States.?

Under the new law, the United States, beginning in March of next year, would move from a first-to-invent system to first-to-file. Opponents of the law say the switch would favor large corporations, whose big legal staffs will likely win the paper chase to the patent office.

The American law is not a mirror image of the Canadian legislation. But the authors say they tried to factor those differences out, as well as economic cycles. In the years after 1989, through 1993, the share of Canadian patents granted to small inventors fell from 10.7 percent of all patents to 7.8 percent. In the United States, the comparable share slipped slightly from 17.4 percent to 16.5 percent.

America?s current patent system, according to Adam Mossoff, a professor at George Mason University School of Law, is intentionally biased toward small upstarts, the ?new innovators that disrupt and destroy existing companies and industries.?

There is debate among economists about the role of small inventors and companies in innovation and job growth. The drift of research is that a tiny percentage of fast-growing small companies that quickly become bigger companies ? sometimes called ?gazelles? ? account for most of the job generation and disruptive innovation.

The paper by the University of Pennsylvania professors has a provocative headline, ?Poisoning the Next Apple? How the America Invents Act Harms Inventors.? They write that the new law ?will surely simplify and streamline the patent system ? but at a cost.?

But the economic question is whether it will be a ?net? cost. Laws and regulations always have costs, but they can also bring benefits. The professors? research does not reach a conclusion on whether the new patent law will help or harm innovation in the economy over all.

?The bottom-line question is whether this will be good or bad for the nation,? Mr. Abrams said in an interview. ?I don?t think the answer is clear on that score.?


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Approaching Our 1 Year Anniversary ? Joy Rose is The Media Mom?

Approaching Our 1 Year?Anniversary

Posted by Joy Rose on August 26, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

Oh, what a summer its been!

I?m writing from my ?Florida? office, (Kahwa Coffee House rocks St. Pete!) getting my daughter comfortably ensconced in her freshman year of college, while waiting for her brother to return from a summer of studying and living on a Buddhist monastery in Thailand. I can?t wait to see him this Tuesday. Oh what stories he?ll have to tell.

I kept extremely busy, as usual, while M.O.M. hosted 3 summer interns from the New York High School Of Art & Design. In addition to their helpful time with us, each intern created an exhibit for the museum, which will be on display when we reopen after our short break.

Abundant scheduling going on at M.O.M. We reopen to the public on Sept. 4th with our first fall kick-off event being an ?Intimate Conversation and Tea? with Suzanne Arms, brought to the museum by BirthFocus on Saturday, Sept. 8th at 10:30AM. Suzanne is a birth pioneer, ?Birthing The Future? and a birth activist and educator. More info is below, and our full calendar is available online.

The community play space and exhibits will be open Monday-Friday with new hours, from 10AM-6PM. Saturday is our ?private party? day ? to book yours simply write us at or call 877.711.MOMS (6667). We specialize in performances, film screenings, workshops, birthday parties, baby showers and so much more.

Sunday is ?Family Day? with art, music and Story Time Under the Apple Tree from 11-5PM

General fees are $15 adults per visit, kids under 5 are free, over 5 are $5.00. Students are $12 and Senior Citizens are $13.

Exciting, break through things happening in our museum world, including a visit from Smith College, announcements about our new student run blog and administration of our recent MAP grant from AAM. Also, call for papers for our spring academic conference, coming May 4,5,6, ?is up online. As we continue to explore what ?family? looks like, papers and presentations on the subject of?A ?New? Motherhood?: Evolving Policies, Practices, and Families, will be discussed and disseminated at the upcoming conference.

Looking forward to being part of the ongoing Motherhood Movement and breaking new ground with the HER-story of women, mothers and families, worldwide.

Here?s the Suzanne Arms info:?BirthFocus?of NYC, hosts an ?Intimate Conversation and Tea with Suzanne Arms?
Saturday, September 8, 2012 ** 10:30am-12noon

Pre-registration: $20-$35/person (sliding scale)
At the door: $30-$45/person (sliding scale)
tax deductible donations

**If you bring a friend who has never been to a birth related event he/she will pay $10 either at door or via pre-registration**

In honor of Empowered Birth Awareness week (, BirthFocus is excited to host Suzanne Arms, Internationally Renowned Activist for Birth, Mothers, Babies & Midwives and Author, for an Intimate Conversation and Tea. Suzanne is an ?open book? and all yours for 90 minutes; so, please come and ask her all of the questions you?ve ever wanted to ask a birth activist and author!

To register please call Elizabeth @ 512.534.8425. Please be prepared to offer credit card information. Receipts will be provided for tax deductible donations at event. Proceeds will be divided between the Time is Now Project of Birthing the Future, BirthFocus, and the Museum of Motherhood.

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mother Grieving Loss of Child - http://mothergrievinglossofchild - Yes

Akiane's view of the "Prince of Peace" ~

painted when she was only 9 years old

Monday's Mourning Ministry

Jesus Whispers Peace

~George Beverly Shea and Cliff Barrows

at a Billy Graham Crusade

There is a name to me so dear,

Like sweetest music to my ear,

For when my heart is troubled, filled with fear,

Jesus whispers peace.

When grief seems more than I can bear

My soul weighed down with heavy care

And I am sorely tempted to despair

Jesus whispers peace.

O that the world might hear Him speak

The word of comfort that men seek

To all the lowly and to the meek,

Jesus whispers peace.

The most important thing in this world is faith, because without faith, you cannot communicate with God.

Portrait: "Prince of Peace," painted by 9-year-old Akiane (pronounced Ah-key-ah-nuh)


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Dreams can be a means to self-or spiritual development, as they are an easy way of receiving information on aspects of our personality that need further work. We also read in sacred scriptures that angels can appear to us in dreams. They can therefore also be a source of guidance.

Keep a dream journal

Keeping a dream-journal is a valuable tool in remembering your dreams, as they usually fade very quickly. You will discover that if you write the details of your dreams down immediately after you wake, your process of recall will become easier. The journal also helps you to provide structure to your work of interpreting the dream.

The structure of dreams

Dreams are assembled in your subconscious. When you dream, your subconscious is communicating with you by presenting symbolic images in a dramatised and metaphorical form. Being able to record your own 'language' of dream-images in a journal will therefore help you interpret your dreams as well as any other visions you may encounter during your spiritual work.

Some dream-images are quite common, as our symbolic processes are the same. However, their meaning usually differs as a result of each person's unique background and past experiences. I will therefore be supplying you with basic rules and guidelines to help you explore and interpret your own exciting and enigmatic world of dreams.

The dimensions of your dream

The way your dream is put together is very important as it contains elements or clues to its meaning hidden within its context, structure, form and composition. It also uses your present view of the world and framework of concepts, beliefs and ideas. There are a number of different dimensions or levels in your dreams, each having its own set of symbols and meanings.

The background in your dream

For instance, the background always suggests the context or theme of the message. Try to recall if your dream was light or dark and involved a natural scene or buildings of some sort. What you see as the background is only a clue to the underlying theme of the dream and should not be taken literally. For instance, the sea is often considered a metaphor for the ebb and flow of everyday life, with tides flowing in and out as events unfold. A dream playing out against the backdrop of the sea would probably suggest a problem or situation arising in your normal day-to-day life which requires attention. Likewise, a dream-scene taking place in a desert (which is usually desolate), may suggest a situation in which you feel isolated and alone and are seeking assistance. A dream playing out in semi-darkness may indicate that you are in a crisis (having trouble seeing your way forward). The idea is find a connection between the background of your dream and your present circumstances, needs or state of mind, by looking at the symbolism involved.

Your immediate surroundings

Once you have jotted down the background details, the next important step is to remember the immediate surroundings in your dream. This will provide you with more information on your present situation and state of mind as well as your outlook on the world. For instance, in 'looking out' onto the world, you would normally use the windows of your home or office. And in your dream, any building in which you find yourself would be a metaphor for 'where you are' at the moment. Try to recall the characteristics of the structure, as these can usually be related to your current situation or world-view. For example, a 'small' window could suggest your having a limited outlook on life. A dark and damp building could relate to your being in an unpleasant situation or having a negative view of the world. And a building or house in shambles could suggest that your present situation, state of mind or outlook, is chaotic.

The activities in your dreams

Moving away from the immediate surroundings in your dream, focus on the activity which took place. The type of drama, scenario or situation that is being played out, reveals the content of the message, which as I said, could be related to an unfulfilled need in your life or to some other issue which requires attention. You now need to ask yourself how the activity in your dream can be applied (metaphorically) or related (symbolically) to your present situation. For instance, a scene involving travel could be a call for change, or the broadening of your boundaries and the opening of your mind. A battle or conflict in your dream could be referring to a similar situation within yourself. Any threatening situation may be a warning of a matter that urgently needs to be resolved, something which is a real threat to your mental well-being or inner peace.

The persons and images in your dream

The next dimension involves the actual images, characters and objects that were presented. In terms of Gestalt psychology, every object or person (character) in a dream represents a certain aspect of yourself and you will need to ask yourself what aspect of your personality the figure represented. Look at the attributes of the characters involved. Were they large or small, aggressive or loving, threatening or supportive? For example, a poor, abused and helpless child could suggest your wounded 'inner child'. A richly dressed, opulent figure could symbolically point to abundance or a desire for riches, depending on the context and what actions are taking place. For example, a fight with another figure in your dream could be pointing to a conflict within yourself that needs to be resolved.

Symbolic objects in your dream

Finally, consider each object that appeared in your dream. Each will have a particular symbolic significance and add detail to the final meaning of your dream. Objects can often be interpreted in terms of their practical uses or effects in everyday life and applied (metaphorically) to your present situation or path in life. For instance, a large boulder on your path would suggest an obstacle to be overcome and a crossroads, a decision to be made. Once again, the guideline is to consider what you will need to do in real life when confronted with such a situation or object and re-phrase the answer in a metaphorical form.

The final meaning

To unlock the final meaning and message of the dream, you will need to learn to link and combine the information obtained from each level or dimension of symbols, into an integrated whole. This is a straightforward process which involves applying your knowledge and reasoning. However, those of you who are skilled in intuition could also learn to 'sense' the meaning of dream-scenes, activities, characters and objects with practice.

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She?s graduating. The last time you looked, she was riding her 2-wheeler bicycle while not coaching wheels. Now she?s getting ready to go on the walk across the platform to just accept her diploma and enter the world. From daddy?s lady to graduate, you wish to gift her with a meaningful gift which shows how much you love plus believe in her.

Members of the family and close friends can also be approaching you about concepts for the graduate as well. Below are gift ideas organized by worth range. When choosing a present, keep the graduate?s future plans in mind.

If value is just not an object, a vacation or travel tour to an exotic locale can be in order. Grandparents and fogeys of the grad may be part of resources and take a visit to a recent destination or a family favorite. Travel is a wonderful way to form recollections along with your graduate before she heads off to school or joins the workforce. Some graduates receive a automobile for graduation. Whether or not it?s brand new or used, a vehicle is usually a welcome present for the senior. Lap top computers are another option, but keep in mind several faculties require specific programs plus set up. Another winning gift plan is a tiny refrigerator, a excellent gift for the faculty freshman.

For those with a moderate budget, gift cards for clothing, text books, or to stock up the dorm room or apartment are necessarily a winning alternative for graduates. Little appliances such as a microwave or toaster oven are also practical ideas. Alternative chances come with a digital camera, monogrammed book bag, or a television. If you need to bring a smile to her face, present the graduate with a hot billfold, complete along with a $100 or $fifty bill inside, or a series of gift cards. Or extend her cell phone set up to accommodate extra calls to home when she leaves for school.

Folks who wish to offer a sentimental gift to their graduate ought to think about customized jewelry. How regarding a matching combine of earrings and a necklace in her birthstone or a heart locket inscribed with her name? Jewellery is a gift she may cherish for years to return, remembering the love plus support of her parents at such a crucial time in her life. Jewelry may additionally function an investment, symbolizing her invaluable worth plus your pride in her accomplishments.

A very special jewellery gift plan is the legal charm bracelet. Charm bracelets have served as symbols of good luck for generations. Why Pandora Jewellery Sale? not extend that message to your graduate as she enters the adult world? It wasn?t uncommon 50 years ago, for young ladies to receive a charm bracelet adorned with charms that represented her hobbies and interests. Today?s charm bracelets have grown up a piece and the Danish-galvanized creations permit ladies to form a face-out look that is meant to precise individual design plus taste.

Beautify her charm bracelet along with her birthstone, Murano glass beads, enameled charms, or a monogrammed piece. When combined along, the charm bracelet creates a ring of beauty around her wrist; beauty symbolized in the items she cherishes most. The threaded sections permit the charms to twist and rotate slightly with the wrist?s movement, creating an simple eye-catching effect. These Danish-impressed charm bracelets become a snapshot of the lives of the ladies who deterioration them. For your special graduate, the charm bracelet will be her reminder? Pandora Bracelets UK of the love and support surrounding her as she launches into her new life.

For those that are working along with a smaller budget, jewellery continues to be an possibility ? from whimsical rings to different sorts of customized jewelry. Just keep in mind the graduate?s tastes and preferences. Concentrate to what she wears and that will guide you in your selection.

The practical gift-giving dad could consider a tool box with basic tools. Whereas this may not be the most exciting gift, especially for a young woman, there are lines of tools? Pandora Beads UK? that include handles in bright colors, like pink or green. Present the assortment in a very adorned box with flowers or some other fun designs. Once she settles into her dorm space, those tools are journeying to come in handy and she?ll have her dad to thank for it.

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

'True Blood' cookbook full of crimson delicacies ...

NEW ORLEANS (AP) ? "True Blood" fans can soon concoct their own blood-red beet bisque, crimson sweet tea and other Cajun delicacies inspired by the hit HBO vampire drama and compiled in a new cookbook.

"True Blood" is filmed partly in Louisiana and is set in the fictional Louisiana town of Bon Temps. The state's cuisine is often referenced in the series, where vampires and mortals mingle over bowls of okra gumbo, jambalaya, and red beans and rice.

The cookbook, "True Blood: Eats, Drinks, and Bites from Bon Temps," was compiled by Cajun chef Marcelle Bienvenu and is being released in bookstores on Wednesday, shortly after Sunday's broadcast of the show's fifth-season finale.

"I'm going to be honest with you, I had never seen the show before they asked me to do this cookbook," said Bienvenu, a chef from the Cajun town of St. Martinville, La., who lived in New Orleans for several years and now teaches culinary arts at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, La.

"I sat down and watched it with my notebook, and I was amazed how much food was mentioned in the series," she said. "It was fun making the recipes come to life. I think people are still mystified by south Louisiana food. There's still such a mystique about the food and culture here."

"True Blood" stars real-life husband and wife actors Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer. Paquin plays the show's beloved heroine Sookie Stackhouse, a mostly human waitress who falls for vampire Bill Compton, a Confederate veteran turned into a bloodsucker played by Moyer.

In the cookbook, recipes are accompanied with pictures and excerpts from the series. For instance, a recipe for creamy crawfish dip is displayed among pictures from a scene in which Stackhouse drives to Shreveport, La., to see a werewolf but is instead greeted at the door by Debbie Pelt, a character who has twice tried to kill her.

In the scene, Debbie offers Sookie a helping of crawfish dip.

Besides food, the cookbook includes nearly two-dozen drink recipes with names like Tequila Moonrise, Lovin' in the Coven and Moonshine Rising.

"The drinks were a lot of fun to make," said Bienvenu, who consulted a bartender friend from Thibodaux, La., to create the mixtures. She also used her students at Nicholls State University to test her food recipes, she said.

Bienvenu said that while the recipes have been given names inspired by the series, "these are real recipes for food we here in Louisiana eat all the time. I think people are really going to enjoy them."

Bienvenu said "True Blood," which is shown in some 50 countries worldwide, has been a great way to showcase Louisiana's unique cuisine ? eats like gumbo, jambalaya and etouffee and ingredients like tasso, Andouille sausage, okra, cayenne pepper, yams and mirlitons.

The show's season five finale is Sunday, and the network announced earlier this year that "True Blood" will be returning for a sixth season next year.

James Costos, vice president of licensing and retail for HBO, said the cookbook was a natural extension for the show, which already has a fragrance and beauty product line.

"The senses play a huge part in 'True Blood,'" Costos said. The cookbook is another way to tap into "the carnal desires that are played out on screen."

This isn't the first time HBO has merged a show with a cookbook. The network released a collection of recipes from the tables of Italian mob families in the long-running hit drama "The Sopranos," and there's a cookbook due out next year based on the New Orleans-shot HBO series "Treme."

"We work with so many amazing chefs on 'Treme,' and the concept of combining their experiences with those of our characters as they navigate the culinary landscape of New Orleans was very intriguing," said Nina Noble, one of the show's producers.

"Treme: Stories and Recipes from the Heart of New Orleans" is due out next spring.


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Greek hopes of reform leeway face test in Berlin

BERLIN (AP) ? The new Greek prime minister's hopes of winning more time from creditors to implement reforms and spending cuts faced a tough test in deeply skeptical Germany on Friday as he met Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Merkel greeted Prime Minister Antonis Samaras at the chancellery with a businesslike handshake and military honors. A day earlier, she and French President Francois Hollande ? the leaders of the 17-nation eurozone's two biggest economic powers ? pressed Greece to keep pushing through painful reforms and made no mention of his hopes for more leeway.

In a charm offensive in German and French media this week, Samaras has been arguing that his nation should have more time beyond the mid-2014 deadline to complete reforms that are a condition of it continuing to receive bailout loans. Without the help, Greece would be forced into a chaotic default on its debts and could be forced out of the eurozone.

Germany's finance minister has argued that giving Greece more time wouldn't solve the country's problems, and the parliamentary caucus leader of Merkel's conservative bloc poured more cold water on the idea Friday.

A German official speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the informal Merkel-Hollande talks said the leaders agreed that credibility is key to overcoming the crisis and they would underline that in meetings with Samaras.

Ahead of the Berlin talks, the Greek financial newspaper Naftemporiki said Samaras would seek to "restore our country's credibility" by arguing that Greece "has already made important steps towards fiscal stability and pushing through structural reforms."

The Athens newspaper Kathimerini said Samaras will succeed only if he maintains the support of his coalition partners and the Greek voters "and if our foreign partners agree to give Greece some breathing space."

But Athens has faltered in the speed and effectiveness of implementing the reforms, irritating its creditors, notably Germany, which is the single largest contributor to its ?240 billion ($300 billion) bailout packages. Weeks of political wrangling in Greece that ultimately brought a coalition government under Samaras to power didn't help.

Greece's continued access to the bailout packages hinges on a favorable report next month from the so-called "troika" of the country's debt inspectors ? the European Union, European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. If Greece is found to have failed on key economic reforms that are conditions of the bailout loan, vital funds could be halted.

"For me, it's important that we all stand by our commitments, and in particular await the (publication of) the troika report, to then see what the result is," Merkel said at the beginning of her meeting with Hollande. "But I will encourage Greece to follow the path of reform, which demands a lot of the Greek people."

Hollande stressed: "I want Greece to remain in the eurozone. That's my wish. That's our wish." But he added that "of course Greece must make the necessary efforts for this to happen."

Samaras meets Hollande in Paris on Saturday following his visit to Berlin. Continuing a round of financial diplomacy, Merkel will meet next Wednesday with Italian Premier Mario Monti, whose country is struggling with high borrowing costs.

German officials question Samaras' assertion that giving Greece more time doesn't have to mean giving it more money. And Merkel would have to get approval for any extra funding in Parliament, where lawmakers in her center-right coalition have no appetite for another Greek rescue program.

"Nowhere is the saying that time is money so true as in this case," Volker Kauder, the parliamentary leader of Merkel's conservatives, told ZDF television. "And we cannot make more money available."

He said he was "very skeptical" about giving Greece more time. While he stressed that Europe must wait for the troika's report, he said: "my position is that neither the time nor the position in substance can be renegotiated; Greece must now fulfill its duties."

Some German politicians ? though not Merkel or her finance minister ? have talked openly in recent weeks about the possibility of Greece leaving the euro, and the vice chancellor, Economy Minister Philipp Roesler, has said that the idea of a Greek exit has "lost its horror."

Asked whether the euro would fail if Greece leaves, Kauder replied that rescue funds are in place to help prevent contagion of other countries, and pointed to good progress in bailed-out Portugal and Ireland ? so "I would say that this wouldn't be a problem for the euro."


Elena Becatoros in Athens contributed to this report.


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Friday, August 24, 2012

FOR KIDS: Curiosity lands on Mars!

NASA successfully delivered a $2.5 billion robotic vehicle to Mars, one that will explore for signs that the planet might once have hosted life

Web edition : 11:12 am

On August 5, after a journey lasting more than 8 months, a carlike rover carefully settled down onto the surface of Mars. The vehicle is basically a science lab. Its mission: to search for evidence that the Red Planet might once have hosted life ? even if the organisms were only one-celled microbes.

The first stage of this mission ? the landing ? is ?an amazing achievement,? observes Charles Bolden. He runs the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, which built and delivered the vehicle to Mars.

Several years ago, NASA scientists began considering the best place for Curiosity to conduct its experiments. Last year, the researchers chose Gale Crater. So that?s where the rover landed. A towering peak ? Mount Sharp ? rises from the center of this basin 150 kilometers (93 miles) wide. Curiosity will spend two years motoring around and exploring the crater floor. But probing the mountain will be the vehicle?s primary focus. As Curiosity moves by, it will shoot out a laser beam at the mountain and then direct onboard chemical samplers to ?taste? the vaporized rock. Another onboard device can drill into rock, pulverizing it into a fine powder for the rover?s chemical samplers to taste.

Visit the new?Science News for Kids?website?and read the full story:?Curiosity lands on Mars!

Found in: Science News For Kids


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IMPD police dog has inoperable cancer, handler says

Indianapolis Metropolitan police will soon have to say farewell to a good dog.

Officer Ron Santa revealed on his Facebook page Thursday that his canine partner, Bart, has inoperable cancer. The two served together for more than a decade.

In a message posted on Facebook, Santa wrote that he decided not to put Bart through chemo or surgery. He promised that his partner would be "unconditionally spoiled and taken care of" until he passes.

The 13-year-old Belgian Malinois joined IMPD in 2000. Santa has been his only handler.


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Readers Respond to "Flashy Fossils"

May 2012



Dinosaurs have certainly become a lot prettier in the decades since I was a child. But I wonder if these splashes of color, such as seen in the images in ?Triumph of the Titans,? by Kristina A. Curry Rogers and Michael D. D'Emic, have gone too far. Among living creatures today, none of the larger land animals sport elaborate color schemes. And in the smaller critters, color has evolved as a camouflage, something that would have little or no success on an animal the size of an elephant?or an Apatosaurus!

John Byrne
via e-mail

THE AUTHORS REPLY: We chose to ?spruce up? our depictions of sauropods with some color to reflect our new understanding of these animals as fast-growing and dynamic, with a unique mix of birdlike and reptilelike biology. Although most large-bodied animals today could be construed as drab, some are indeed colorful (giraffes and orcas come to mind). As for camouflage, the bright colors of many small animals have not evolved for that function but for the purposes of attracting a mate or signaling kin or a predator.

Notwithstanding, it is important to remember that sauropods did not start off life large (baby sauropods were about half a meter in length), so predation was a factor in a young sauropod's life. Ultimately the coloration of most dinosaurs remains speculative, although recent research has indicated complex patterns and colors on some feathered dinosaurs.


In ?The Trouble with Wi-Fi,? by David Pogue [TechnoFiles], Don Millman of Point of Presence Technologies responds that the reason high-end hotels charge for Wi-Fi is that they ?attract business travelers who expense their stays.? While this is not incorrect, the answer is more complex. For example, most high-end resorts serve more leisure travelers than business guests but charge for Wi-Fi. High-end hotels are mostly operated by brand management companies with fees based on a percentage of total revenue; most less expensive hotels are franchised, and their fees are based on room revenue only. Thus, there is an incentive for brand management companies to maximize their revenue?for example, by charging for Wi-Fi?and an incentive for less expensive franchised hotels to have higher room rates?for example, by including Wi-Fi in the rate.

But the most correct answer is that guests in more expensive hotels are more willing to accept charges for Wi-Fi. A reason to charge separately for Wi-Fi is that if it were included in the room rate, municipal occupancy taxes would be based on the higher room rate, and therefore the rate would be more costly for guests.

Bjorn Hanson
Dean, Tisch Center for Hospitality,
Tourism, and Sports Management
New York University


The new unitarity approach, a method of analyzing quantum-particle processes less complex than the Feynman diagrams that have been the standard, proposed by Zvi Bern, Lance J. Dixon and David A. Kosower in ?Loops, Trees and the Search for New Physics,? doesn't seem new. Applying estimates of probabilities to beginning and prior events in a causal chain to determine the final outcome's probability (adjusting as new results are available) simply describes Bayes' rule, doesn't it?

Duncan Byers
Norfolk, Va.

THE AUTHORS REPLY: If the quantities we were interested in were really probabilities, then one could assemble them as Byers suggests and it would not be particularly novel. As we mentioned in the article, they are really square roots of probabilities. These are complex numbers, although for simplicity we usually referred to them as probabilities. One combines them according to the usual rules of quantum mechanics, wherein the phases associated with them are essential. They capture quantum-interference phenomena that prevent the application of the usual probability rules. Another obstruction to simply multiplying probabilities in Feynman diagrams is the presence of the spurious contributions we had described in the article, which disallow a simple probabilistic interpretation of an individual diagram.

There are useful approximations where the interference terms can be neglected. These have been implemented as products of sequential probabilities in computer programs, widely used by particle physics experimenters, that produce realistic-looking jets of particles. But their overall accuracy is not as good as the loop calculations described in the article. Combining the best features of both techniques is a very active area of current research.


The lack of low-altitude radar coverage as a factor in tornado-warning lead times was not mentioned in ?A Better Eye on the Storm,? by Jane Lubchenco and Jack Hayes. Even with improvements in signal processing and phased-array radars, the unobservability of the zone where tornadoes form will limit the ability to forecast. Not all urban areas have or will have radars close enough to observe the bottom 5,000 feet of highly active weather systems when tornadoes pose the greatest threat. Very small short-range radars might be co-located with cell-phone towers to provide the density, power, communications and required altitude.

Doc Dougherty
Playa del Rey, Calif.

The authors speak of new, higher-resolution weather models that use horizontal grids. Wouldn't it be better to concentrate computing power where it would be most valuable? Model designers might take a cue from image-compression software that uses fine resolution for only those areas in an image where changes occur. It should result in horizontal and vertical grids that fluctuate in fineness in response to actual and predicted conditions?lowering the number of data points in areas where weather is fairly uniform and increasing them where conditions are changing rapidly.

Ralph McLain
Colorado Springs, Colo.


The poplar and sugar maple experiment by Ian Baldwin and Jack Schultz, described in Daniel Chamovitz's ?What a Plant Smells,? doesn't actually demonstrate signaling between plants. As told, undamaged leaves on trees having two damaged leaves were the ones to respond to that damage by making caterpillar deterrents. Nothing is said of the behavior of the intact trees of the same population.

Dov Elyada
Haifa, Israel

CHAMOVITZ REPLIES: The confusion comes from editing that shortened the excerpt from chapter 2 of my book, What a Plant Knows. Indeed, Baldwin and Schultz detected insecticidal chemicals not only in the intact leaves of the trees that had torn leaves but also in the intact leaves of trees that neighbored them. This was the basis of their volatile communication hypothesis.


?Erasing Painful Memories,? by Jerry Adler, incorrectly refers to a foot shock causing a rat to avoid a particular area as a negative reinforcement. It is more accurately described as a positive punishment.


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