Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Great and Powerful Reddit

Though I visit the rollicking link aggregator a few times a day to find cool stuff on the Web, Reddit isn?t any better than the aggregators BuzzFeed, Hacker News, Techmeme, and Memeorandum in that respect. What?s different about Reddit is that it?s a real, vibrant community, one of the few big websites where the users have constructed an unmistakable moral and political philosophy. Redditors are lefties who have a soft spot for Ron Paul, they?re taken with atheism and the legalization of marijuana, they hate political interference with the Internet, they love Stephen Colbert, and they?re gaga for animated GIFs. I?m a lurker at Reddit, not a participant in the community, and some of the site?s conventions strike me as bizarre. The site?s acronymic bits of insider jargon also represent a barrier to entry for newcomers. But nevertheless, Reddit has become the most exciting place on the Web in the last few months, the center of an earnest yet jokey brand of cultural and political activism.


rally squirrel scumbag steve scumbag steve day of the dead rocksmith blackbeard widespread panic

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