Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ala. deputy fatally shot, 2nd wounded in exchange

FAIRHOPE, Ala. (AP) ? An Alabama deputy sheriff was fatally shot and another deputy was critically wounded Friday during a confrontation with a man they were checking on, who was also killed, authorities said.

The Baldwin County Sheriff's Office said the deputies were responding to a call at about 4 p.m. CST Friday expressing concern about the welfare of Michael Jansen of the Fairhope area, about 20 miles southeast of Mobile. Authorities said in a news release that deputies encountered Jansen at his mobile home and "were engaged in an officer involved shooting" when they were both shot.

Both deputies were transported to USA Medical Center in Mobile, where Deputy Scott Ward was pronounced dead. The second deputy, whose name had not been released early Saturday, was in critical condition.

Authorities said Jansen, who was believed to be in his 50s, "was also shot during the exchange and he was pronounced dead at the scene."

Investigator Eric Winberg told The Associated Press that authorities were sorting out what happened and not immediately releasing further details.

The county's Major Crimes Task Force was investigating the shooting.


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Divided Kuwait limps toward boycott-hit elections

A Kuwaiti woman walks past a board with the names and photos of next December's election candidates in Salwa, Kuwait, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012. There is little middle ground but plenty of high-stakes tension as Kuwait stumbles toward elections for the most politically empowered parliament among the Gulf Arab states. (AP Photo/Gustavo Ferrari)

A Kuwaiti woman walks past a board with the names and photos of next December's election candidates in Salwa, Kuwait, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012. There is little middle ground but plenty of high-stakes tension as Kuwait stumbles toward elections for the most politically empowered parliament among the Gulf Arab states. (AP Photo/Gustavo Ferrari)

KUWAIT CITY (AP) ? The message from Kuwait's emir is blunt heading into this week's parliamentary elections: Opposition factions should express dissent in the legislature, and not in the streets. The response from the opposition is equally uncompromising: We're not satisfied with what we can accomplish through parliament, so we're boycotting the vote.

There is little middle ground as Kuwait stumbles toward its second election this year for the most politically empowered parliament in the Gulf Arab states, which serves as a check on the emir, Sheik Sabah Al Ahmed Al Sabah. Violent protests and crackdowns on activists ? until recently rare in Kuwait ? have contributed to the high-stakes tension.

The outcome Saturday is certain to hand the ruling family and its allies a near-sweep of friendly lawmakers. Yet that is not necessarily good news for the stability of a country that has ricocheted from one political crisis to the next for nearly a year, including street clashes between security forces and an opposition coalition that ranges from hardline Islamists to youth activists.

For years, that legislature has served as a forum for the opposition to press their demands. But with the opposition's boycott likely to take them into self-exile from the political system, the worry is their new soapbox will be the street demonstrations like those that have engulfed many other Arab states in the past two years.

The potential fallout goes well beyond its borders. Any major upheavals in OPEC member Kuwait have potential repercussions on oil prices and the Pentagon's plans to use the nation as its hub for ground forces in efforts to counter the growth of Iran's military.

Gulf Arab rulers have so far ridden out the Arab Spring uprisings through a combination of factors including crackdowns and payouts to buy off potential dissenters. But the Gulf's biggest unrest by far ? a 21-month-old revolt against Bahrain's Western-allied monarchy ? shows no sign of easing and poses some the same quandaries as Kuwait for Washington: the need to maintain critical security alliances, but also to pay attention to shifting political forces in the region.

"There is a danger that the tensions between a ruling family (in Kuwait) intent on preserving its power and privilege and an energized opposition bent on security meaningful reform might escalate into open confrontation," said Kristian Coates-Ulrichsen, a research fellow who follows Gulf affairs at the London School of Economics.

"The example of Bahrain shows how everyone loses out in this scenario," he added, "but that alone is no guarantee that Kuwaitis can or will pull back from the brink."

Kuwait's protest alliance is held together by claims that the emir Al Sabah overstepped his authority by changing voting laws in an apparent attempt to undermine opposition and reformist electoral chances. Beyond that, there are a wide range of demands from all the different factions involved in the boycott, from Islamists wanting a greater say in the government to liberals wanting more openness in general.

The showdowns take forms similar to those in other parts of the region: clampdowns on Web activists and arrest sweeps against perceived backers of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group that now leads Egypt and has a resurgent profile since the Arab Spring.

Last week, Kuwait's Interior Ministry announced the arrest of four people on charges of insulting the emir with posts on Twitter. Similar arrests have taken place across the Gulf and, earlier this month, the United Arab Emirates imposed new Internet laws that can bring jail time for Web posts deemed offensive to rulers.

Kuwaiti authorities also have echoed fears from other Gulf palaces over what they view as expanding threats from the Muslim Brotherhood. Dubai's police chief, Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, has warned of an "international plot" to overthrow the Gulf rulers.

The Islamists in Kuwait ? while a powerful force ? insist they are a distinctive, homegrown group that does not seek to topple the ruling system but wants a greater say in how the country is run. Their critics worry that this means a push toward stricter Islamic codes such as limits on non-Muslim worship or censoring artists and writers in one of the most politically open societies in the Gulf.

The past year has brought almost nonstop ? and highly complex ? political turmoil.

Islamists and their tribal allies won parliament elections in February and immediately pushed for greater clout in policy-making affairs. The Constitutional Court later disbanded parliament amid claims of flaws in the electoral district map, and reinstated the former government-friendly chamber from elections in 2009. That body, however, never managed to convene a session.

To further complicate things: The emir stunned the nation by wiping out the country's unusual four-votes-per-person system in favor of the standard one vote. Opponents say the new formula dilutes the ability of opposition groups to forge alliances and will increase the risks of vote buying and bribery.

"We will have puppetry, not a real parliament," said Mohammed al-Hatlani, a former lawmaker supporting the election boycott.

Liberal and youth groups ? while deeply opposed to the Islamist agenda ? have joined the boycott drive as a way to press for their Arab Spring-inspired demands for greater political and social freedoms. The unexpected alliance with Islamists and conservative tribes has startled even veterans of Kuwait's pugnacious politics.

Abdullatif al-Duaij, a prominent Kuwait liberal figure now living in the U.S., worries that fellow liberals looking for more openness have "lost their compass" by siding with the Islamists and others pushing the boycott.

"Today it's either you vote or you don't," he said. "There is nothing in between."

A series of protests and street clashes in recent months led the emir to order a ban on political gatherings of more than 20 people. In a message last week, he tried both threats and patriot appeals to cool down tensions.

"It is a great tragedy to have calls to take to the street," the emir said in comments carried by the official Kuwait News Agency. "Why the chaos and riots? Why the screaming and wailing and disrupting the business of the state and harming the interests of the people?"

It's all likely to leave Kuwait even more politically fractured and the new parliament facing challenges over its legitimacy.

In most of the Gulf, a parliament under pressure would matter little since elected bodies have very limited powers. Kuwait, however, stands out. Its 50-seat parliament has wide authority to pass laws and question ? or even dismiss ? members of the government.

Opposition lawmakers have publicly accused top officials, including members of the ruling family, of charges such as corruption and attempts to muzzle dissent. But even many protesters were stunned last month when an opposition leader, Musallam al-Barrack, broke taboos and openly denounced the emir. He was later arrested.

"He crossed all the red lines and shattered the boundaries of permissible opposition," said the researcher Coates-Ulrichsen. "The experience from North Africa and elsewhere in the Arab Spring shows that once these barriers are broken it is impossible to reconstruct them."

Associated Press


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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Snow Park New Zealand.

Joining the ranks of the Remarkables, the Snow Park is probably one of the best freestyle ski parks in New Zealand. It was even called the first dedicated freestyle terrain in the world when it first opened in 2002 and is a haven for freestyle skiers since it has jumps, rails, and half pipes unlike the usual ski parks which are only filled with the regular ski run.

The Snow Park is located in the Southern Alps of New Zealand and has been a favorite venue for dozens of ski and Best Snowboarding in New Zealand events, some of which include the Billabong Snowstock and the Burton NZ Open.

Aside from the dozens of events to attend, you wont have to worry about snow if you want to go to the ski park since the park has 33 fully automatic snow guns which are all used to cover the entire 60 acres of land with snow. And because of this, the Snow Park is considered as one of the many resorts in New Zealand that relies on snow making.

Snowboarding in New Zealand is on the favorite sports of the locals and for freestylers there is no place better than the Snow Park.

What to See at the Snow Park?

Although the Snow park is also great for regular skiers, this place is also highly recommended for freestyle skiers and snowboarders. Unlike other ski parks such as The Remarkables youll see very little of the regular ski slopes, instead youll see a variety of tools used for freestyle snowboarding and even Heli skiing. The park is filled with quarter pipes, hits, jumps, rails, and a standard half pipe. And just recently the Half Pint Beginner Park was built for those who are just starting to learn freestyle skiing. This smaller playground has rails, boxes, and even jumps designed specifically for beginners.

Getting Ready to Ski

Before going up to the park, especially in the colder months better get a weather check on the park to see if its a good day to go skiing. Check the road conditions, the snow conditions, and the general park conditions if its worth the climb to the ski park.

Wonder what the ski park looks like during the summer months? With all the snow gone, the snow park turns into a freestyle mountain bike park, and during that time of the year, its usually called a Dirt Park.


About the Author:
Southern Boarding is an experienced Content writer and publisher for Business Development. Visit at to know more about Heli Skiing and Ski New Zealand.


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Psy's "Gangnam Style" video becomes YouTube's most viewed

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - South Korean rap star Psy's music video "Gangnam Style" on Saturday became the most watched item ever posted to YouTube with more than 800 million views, edging past Canadian teen star Justin Bieber's 2-year-old video for his song "Baby."

The milestone was the latest pop culture victory for Psy, 34, a portly rap singer known for his slicked-back hair and comic dance style who has become one of the most unlikely global stars of 2012.

Psy succeeded with a video that generated countless parodies and became a media sensation. He gained more fame outside his native country than the more polished singers in South Korea's so-called K-Pop style who have sought to win international audiences.

YouTube, in a post on its Trends blog, said "Gangnam Style" on Saturday surpassed the site's previous record holder, Bieber's 2010 music video "Baby," and by mid-day "Gangnam Style" had reached 805 million views, compared to 803 million for "Baby." Within a few hours, "Gangnam Style" had gone up to more than 809 million views.

"Gangnam Style" was first posted to YouTube in July, and by the following month it began to show huge popularity on YouTube with audiences outside of South Korea.

"It's been a massive hit at a global level unlike anything we've ever seen before," said the YouTube blog.

The blog also said the "velocity" of the video's popularity has been unprecedented for YouTube.

In his "Gangnam Style" video the outlandishly dressed, sunglass-wearing Psy raps in Korean and dances in the style of an upper-crust person riding an invisible horse.

The song is named after the affluent Gangnam District of Seoul and it mocks the rampant consumerism of that suburb. Psy, whose real name is Park Jai-sang, is no stranger to wealth as his father is chairman of a South Korean semiconductor company.

His parents sent him to business school in the United States but he confesses that he bought musical instruments with his tuition money. He later graduated from Berklee College of Music in Boston and won fame in South Korea with his 2001 debut album.

The viral success of "Gangnam Style" on YouTube also has translated into strong record sales. In late September, the song jumped to the top of the British pop charts and it also has sold well in other countries.

Popular parodies of the "Gangnam Style" video included one featuring the University of Oregon's duck mascot, and another done in the "Star Trek" language Klingon.

The official YouTube view count for Gangnam Style represents only the figure for the original video posted to the site, but copycat versions, parodies and videos by people commenting on the song have been posted to the site and elsewhere on the Web.

Counting all those different versions, "Gangnam Style" and its related videos have more than 2.2 billion views across the Internet, said Matt Fiorentino, spokesman for the online video tracking firm Visible Measures.

"Without the dance, I don't think it would have been as big as it is," Fiorentino said. "And the other thing is, Psy has a unique sense of humor which comes through in the video. He doesn't take himself too seriously."

(Editing by Barbara Goldberg and Bill Trott)


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Feeling Lost? Find Your Way With These Self-Help Solutions ...

TIP! Always look for opportunities to compliment another person. Being nice to others will help you learn to be nicer to yourself.

Personal development is about taking action to improve yourself as a person. It deals with improving self-awareness and knowledge, spiritual development and fulfilling personal goals. This article contains many great self improvement tips. If you are methodical, you will gain an understanding of your self-knowledge and awareness.

TIP! Exercise is for everyone, not just people who are trying to lose a few pounds. There are countless physical benefits to exercising.

Do you drink too often? Are nicotine or other destructive habits something that harms you? Your body is certainly a temple, yet these types of behaviors disregard its sanctity. Deleting harmful patterns and obsessions will undoubtedly lead to an improved standard of living. Assess your life and what habits you have, and see if there are any that you could work on omitting.

TIP! Read a passage that inspires you. Such texts might include religious scripture, inspirational books, poetry and other forms of writing.

You have to provide care for yourself before you can properly care for other people. No matter where you are in life, allow yourself time to recover and rejuvenate yourself.

TIP! Don?t solely focus on your outside looks; have a look at the person you are within. In the end, your looks do not matter that much.

Recognize that the person you are now is not the person you want to be. You cannot successfully make the journey from here to there if you do not know the intervening territory. If you do not accept your desire to improve your current situation and listen to what you wish for, you will never realize your true potential.

TIP! Use other successful individuals as role models and look for ways to replicate their methods. Don?t start with many of the habits, just a few, and practice until they are a part of your everyday life.

Instead of bragging abut your achievements and awards, ask other people about what they have accomplished that they are most proud of. You will then find out things that others have done to accomplish their goals, and you will get some insight.

TIP! It is well known that being a good listener is an excellent character trait to develop. This is particularly true if you want to improve yourself.

Every champion benefits from the encouragement of a great coach. The proper mentor can guide you through the tough times on your way to becoming a champion. There are many people that are more than willing to help others. If people didn?t have this, how would they do their very best? Everyone who is great at something has had help getting to where they are.

TIP! Don?t be a shopaholic like those people on Hoarders. Taking up a hobby is a better alternative.

Humility is a very important trait to have when working on your personal development. When you realize how insignificant you really are, you will begin to understand you have more to learn. Once you realize this, you will be able to understand and improve upon yourself.

TIP! Learn to care for others for a shift in your own personal growth. It might be hard at first, but do your best to make sacrifices and help others.

Never forget that you are priority number one. Likewise, you cannot stress over making everyone around you happy 24/7; this is impossible no matter how hard you try. If you want to be happy, you have to take charge of your behavior, and do things that make you feel happy. Remember that this doesn?t mean being selfish or abusing other people; it just means treating yourself with the same respect and love that you treat everyone else with. Your personal development plan will increase your happiness as long as you uphold your own code of ethics and moral standards.

TIP! Getting and staying healthy is one of the most important parts of personal development. If you want to build healthy habits, you need to be motivated to eat better and exercise more.

You need to know what it is that you want your life to be if you want to develop as a person. One of the things that will make the biggest difference in your outlook is having long-term goals.

TIP! When you are angry, count to ten before saying anything. Maybe take a short walk, breathe deeply, and concentrate on peaceful thoughts.

Figure out your goals in life, and go after them. If you sit in your chair thinking about how you would like your life to be, and you do nothing to make it happen, you will never get that life. You need to step up and pursue your goals to make them really happen.

TIP! Unless you take care of yourself, you won?t be able to care for anyone else. No matter where you are in life, allow yourself time to recover and rejuvenate yourself.

You need to analyze your progress as you work on your personal development. Use the great suggestions and tips offered in this article to help you take stock, improve and move forward. Write down the processes you use on a regular basis and record changes that occur.

Stephanie Deltor is a Spelman College student aiming to achieve her dreams of becoming a licensed psychologist and author. With her ambition here she write to inspire and encourage others in any way she sees fit. To learn more about her, her business, and her words, Click the following link:


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Friday, November 23, 2012

Buy YouTube Views And Stay Consolidated on The World Wide Web

When businesses buy YouTube views it means they are drawing traffic to their websites and reaching their target audience.
YouTube is a popular website where innumerable Internet users visit it everyday with the purpose to view or upload videos related to business, entertainment, politics and other sources of entertainment. In a laymans terms, it is a web portal that gives you the leverage to view and upload videos of your choice without provided that you have registered with it. This makes it a business platform where businesses can upload their products and services to gain YouTube views. When businesses buy YouTube views it means they are drawing traffic to their websites and reaching their target audience.

YouTube views are proved to be instrumental in bringing success to businesses that trade online. It is interesting to note that if any business wishes to buy YouTube views, it should buy them in bulk to gain instant popularity with regard to its product or service. Purchasing YouTube views in huge scale gives confirmation to businesses that they experience phenomenal growth in their sales and profits at the least time possible. To assist an online company in posting promotional videos on YouTube, numerous service providers are offering a gamut of premium video promotional services that can help it get video views, subscribers, likes, comments, favorites and even more. These videos are viewed by hundreds and thousands of real audience and made comments on. The more views or comments your videos have received, the better your business gets visiblity on the World Wide Web. ?

Promotional videos draws target audience in an efficeint manner as they let viewers to get the visual descriptions of products and services of any business. In reality, visual promotion gives a distinct? comprehension about the unique selling proposition of the product or service of the business and convinces viewers to use it. The increasing admiration of YouTube has impelled business firms and individual entrepreneurs to use the applications of it with the purpose to make their businesses more and more perceivable to the people and the end users. Now, Internet business owners buying YouTube Views from reputable social media marketing agency for improving the visibility of their web pages can certainly experience unprecendented growth that will last forever.

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Video: Grandpa models teen girl clothing in viral pics

>>> and a tiny grandfather is winning worldwide fame after photographs of him modelling clothing for teen girls. they were posted on the internet. the 72-year-old man posed in outfits from, get this, his granddaughter's fashion store. the photos went viral and sales have soared. and yes, he went there. fun-loving grandfather even joined the current dance craze by posing as the gangnum style pony.

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Beijing's S. China Sea rivals protest passport map

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) ? China has enraged several neighbors with a few dashes on a map, printed in its newly revised passports that show it staking its claim on the entire South China Sea and even Taiwan.

Inside the passports, an outline of China printed in the upper left corner includes Taiwan and the sea, hemmed in by the dashes. The change highlights China's longstanding claim on the South China Sea in its entirety, though parts of the waters also are claimed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Brunei and Malaysia.

China's official maps have long included Taiwan and the South China Sea as Chinese territory, but the act of including them in its passports could be seen as a provocation since it would require other nations to tacitly endorse those claims by affixing their official seals to the documents.

Ruling party and opposition lawmakers alike condemned the map in Taiwan, a self-governed island that split from China after a civil war in 1949. They said it could harm the warming ties the historic rivals have enjoyed since Ma Ying-jeou became president 4 1/2 years ago.

"This is total ignorance of reality and only provokes disputes," said Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council, the Cabinet-level body responsible for ties with Beijing. The council said the government cannot accept the map.

Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario told reporters in Manila that he sent a note to the Chinese Embassy that his country "strongly protests" the image. He said China's claims include an area that is "clearly part of the Philippines' territory and maritime domain."

The Vietnamese government said it had also sent a diplomatic note to the Chinese Embassy in Hanoi, demanding that Beijing remove the "erroneous content" printed in the passport.

In Beijing, the Foreign Ministry said the new passport was issued based on international standards. China began issuing new versions of its passports to include electronic chips on May 15, though criticism cropped up only this week.

"The design of this type of passports is not directed against any particular country," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a daily media briefing Friday. "We hope the relevant countries can calmly treat it with rationality and restraint so that the normal visits by the Chinese and foreigners will not be unnecessarily interfered with."

It's unclear whether China's South China Sea neighbors will respond in any way beyond protesting to Beijing. China, in a territorial dispute with India, once stapled visas into passports to avoid stamping them.

"Vietnam reserves the right to carry out necessary measures suitable to Vietnamese law, international law and practices toward such passports," Vietnamese foreign ministry spokesman Luong Thanh Nghi said.

Taiwan does not recognize China's passports in any case; Chinese visitors to the island have special travel documents.

China maintains it has ancient claims to all of the South China Sea, despite much of it being within the exclusive economic zones of Southeast Asian neighbors. The islands and waters are potentially rich in oil and gas.

There are concerns that the disputes could escalate into violence. China and the Philippines had a tense maritime standoff at a shoal west of the main Philippine island of Luzon early this year.

The United States, which has said it takes no sides in the territorial spats but that it considers ensuring safe maritime traffic in the waters to be in its national interest, has backed a call for a "code of conduct" to prevent clashes in the disputed territories. But it remains unclear if and when China will sit down with rival claimants to draft such a legally binding nonaggression pact.

The Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam are scheduled to meet Dec. 12 to discuss claims in the South China Sea and the role of China.


Associated Press writers Oliver Teves in Manila, Philippines, Chris Brummitt in Hanoi, Vietnam, and researcher Zhao Liang in Beijing contributed to this report.


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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Stocks slightly higher at the open on Wall Street

NEW YORK (AP) ? Stocks opened slightly higher Wednesday on Wall Street ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday.

In the opening minutes of trading, the Dow Jones industrial average was up seven points at 12,795. The Standard & Poor's 500 index was up a point at 1,389. And the Nasdaq composite index was up five at 2,922.

Deere, the maker of tractors and other farm and construction equipment, opened down 3 percent. It reported a quarterly profit of $1.75 per share, missing Wall Street expectations of $1.88.

Chipotle Mexican Group, the restaurant chain, climbed 2.4 percent. It announced late Tuesday that it would buy back an additional $100 million of its own stock. It had announced a $100 million buyback plan Oct. 18.

The quiet open Wednesday followed an uneventful finish Tuesday. The Dow dropped as much as 94 points after a warning from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke about federal budget talks, then recovered to close down seven points.

The stock market will be closed Thursday for Thanksgiving and will close early Friday.

The price of oil climbed 95 cents to $87.70 per barrel. It fell $2.53 on Tuesday because of signs that Israel and Hamas were close to a cease-fire to end Israel's weeklong assault on the Gaza Strip, but a cease-fire remained elusive Wednesday.

In the bond market, the yield on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury note rose 0.01 percentage point to 1.68 percent.

European markets were modestly higher. Stocks climbed 0.3 percent in France and 0.1 percent in Germany. Asian markets fared better. The Nikkei index in Japan climbed 0.9 percent and the Hang Seng in Hong Kong 1.4 percent.


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The Nuance Auto Forum Detroit 2012 Featured the Intuitive ...

This year?s Nuance-hosted Automotive Forum Detroit was the largest ever ? drawing an international audience of more than 100 customers to Birmingham, Michigan. Attendees from the industry?s most innovative car manufacturers and content providers gathered to experience the intuitive connected car first hand and to check out the latest and greatest voice-enabled demos.

Once again, leading automotive companies including Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, Hyundai, Mazda, Nissan and Toyota were well represented and there were many new faces in the audience as well. The various presentations brought to life the key features of Dragon Drive!, Vocalizer, premium music from Nuance and Gracenote, and the multimodal user experience. The evolution of the intelligent personal assistant behind the wheel was also a key topic of discussion.

In-car demos took the spotlight as usual and rounding out the agenda were partner demos including Spansion?s acoustic coprocessor, TRW?s script recognition steering wheel and transportation intelligence from INRIX.

Customers enjoyed a great lineup of speakers who offered new perspectives on topics ranging from the impact of global trends on design, product development and strategy and advanced user interfaces that enhance the driving experience while minimizing driver distraction.

Judging from initial feedback, the 2012 Forum surpassed our customers? expectations and many are already planning to attend next year?s event which has become a much-anticipated annual tradition for sharing next-generation connected car solutions.

No related posts.

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American Horror Story, Season 2

Nikki Hahn as Jenny Reynolds, Lily Rabe as Sister Mary Eunice.

Nikki Hahn as Jenny Reynolds, Lily Rabe as Sister Mary Eunice.

Photo by Byron J. Cohen/FX.

Every week in?Slate?s?American Horror Story TV club, J. Bryan Lowder will have an IM conversation with a different?AHS fan. This week, he rehashes episode 2.6 with AHS superfan George Abbott.

J. Bryan Lowder: Happy Thanksgiving Eve Mr. Abbott, and welcome to the TV Club! After hearing all that talk of flesh tonight--touching it, missing it, cutting it--I wonder if you still have an appetite for your bird tomorrow...I have to say that was one doosy of an episode!

George Abbott: Honestly, I can eat anything if Thredson doesn't talk about wearing Clea DuVall's teeth again. I've been rabidly watching this show since the beginning, but last week was the only episode that actually gave me nightmares. And speaking of the upcoming holiday, how perfect was it that they sent us into decorative gourd season with maybe the show's best line ever: "Nutmeg makes all the difference?in the world." I'm going to find DOZENS of ways to use that in the next 5 days.

Lowder: Yes! I found this episode particularly scary--and well-crafted--myself (I believe Murphy was the writer), and also, despite the scariness, particularly campy? That nutmeg line you mention was divine, as was the new level of queen Quinto brought to our now unbuttoned Thredson. That, paired with his newly revealed infantilistic obsessions, just blew my mind. But I wonder, do you worry that two sites of horror--Thredson's basement and Briarcliff--will lessen the affect of both? I'm a little ambivalent about the world expanding outward too much.

Abbott: That's so funny, because I was thinking about how refreshing it was that this episode dealt with relatively few characters (even though, now that you mention it, they spent very little time at Briarcliff). My bigger concern is with the Bloodyface unhappy-childhood direction in general. I mean, next to some of the stuff Ryan Murphy's thrown at us (possession, rape, Nazis, etc.), I have to wonder if an orphanage and apparent lack of colostrum (which, yes, I had to look up after that scene) is enough to send someone down the serial killer track. Did it ring true for you?

Lowder: That's a great question (and you will have to tell me and our readers what colostrum is: The TV Club is all about sharing the knowledge)! I guess we have to expect some kind of gripping back-story for our serial killers, but I'm a little bummed they didn't just leave the "explanation" for his violent tendencies unclear. I find that inexplicable violence is more frightening than overly explained stuff. Though i do think that his self-theory was based on some real research--perhaps a commenter can tell us whether it still holds true?

Abbott: Oh - it's so gross. Colostrum = First Milk

Lowder: OMG, really? That's super gross. And I think we can assume that she wouldn't even be lactating, right? Unless she's secretly pregnant?

Abbott: Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was a... ahem... dry run. And I totally agree with you - once you've gotten into skin-lampshade territory, no background story is going to live up to the scariness of "skinning 33 year-olds alive is just his thing." But I have to get your take on one of the biggest questions of this episode: How... on earth... is this the first time that AHS has given us a super-creepy child WITHOUT some kind of mental illness/Down's? I can't believe that they held off on going into a "The Omen" space for so long!

Lowder: I hadn't even thought about that! Yes, the new affectless child was a welcome edition, and I'm glad you brought her up, because I thought her scene with Sister Mary Eunice was maybe my favorite of the episode. Their dry repartee was intoxicating. I'm kind of hoping Eunice will take her under her possessed wing and be an evil mentor--she will need a sidekick in the NEW ERA! Speaking of which, do you have any theories about her plans? She's clearly QBIC now that's she's got the dirt on Arden.

Abbott: I don't know about her plans, but if she wants to start her own church, I'm THERE. I actually wrote down "You were born with the gift of authentic impulse - don't ever let them kill it" like it was some Oprah-wisdom I needed to write on my mirror in lipstick every morning. MOVED. But I'm a little disappointed with her small moves so far. I mean, she's the devil, and all she's done so far is some gossip, some covering up, and some lingerie theft - I'm guessing she's trying to lead Arden to bring about some kind of zombie apocalypse, but I'd really rather she start a skanky Lesley Gore tribute band with Jude and take it on the road.

Lowder: I'm speechless. Your appraisal of Sister Mary is, like, Platonic. Are we soul mates? I don't have any concrete ideas, but I do tend to follow your logic (i.e. toward the drug-resistant zombie apocalypse). More machinations from her soon, please! Speaking of which, if I had to look like Shelly (bye bye Chloe Sevingy!) to survive the Russians' nuclear attack, I think I'll pass.

Ok, it's time to get back to cooking, so let's wrap it up with a final question--we were treated to another glimpse of the present day this evening, iPhones in severed limbs and all. What?s going on? Is Threadson still alive? Does he have acolytes? The voice on the phone sure sounded like him....

Abbott: Here's what I'm thinking: It's Threadson (it sounded A LOT like him on the phone), his plotline has dovetailed with Arden and he's some kind of age-resistant momma's boy zombie, and seriously NO ONE IN THE WORLD will care if he puts Megan Fox Lite out of her misery (how is that girl not dead yet???)

Lowder: Ha, totally. The colostrum mixed with the "immune boosting cocktail" and made him live forever, just so he could take out Channing Tatum's wife. Leaving him available?for me. Get into it. Alrighty, I'm going to get into some turkey stock real quick. Hope your holiday is as yummy as Thredson?s sandwich!


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EU lawmakers approve abortion critic as top health official

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Parliament backed a devout Catholic as EU health commissioner on Wednesday, brushing off critics who fear the Maltese politician could row back on EU policies on stem cell research, abortion and gay rights.

Greens, Liberals and Socialists in the European Parliament had said they would vote against Tonio Borg, a former foreign and justice minister in Malta, saying his beliefs could influence EU policy.

As commissioner, Borg's remit would include access to healthcare and contraception and the control of sexually transmitted diseases.

Borg, who was in Malta on the day of the vote according to an EU Commission official, told EU lawmakers before the vote that his personal views would not affect his role as health commissioner.

"This is a victory of reason over intolerance and ideological partisanship," Richard Seeber, a lawmaker in the parliament's center-right EPP group, said in a statement.

"Tonio Borg's professional competences and his commitment to European values is decisive for us."

The 386-281 vote in parliament is not binding, as the 27 EU member states have final say. Twenty-eight lawmakers abstained.

If the European Council, which represents EU member states, decides to fast-track Borg's appointment, he could take office as early as next week, officials said.

Borg was put forward to replace John Dalli, a Maltese politician who quit in October after an anti-fraud investigation linked him to an attempt to influence EU tobacco legislation.

A non-smoker, Borg told an earlier European Parliament hearing that his priority as commissioner would be to get tougher anti-tobacco laws onto the statute book by January.

Earlier drafts of Commission proposals indicate the laws could require larger health warnings on cigarette packets and, possibly, brand-free.

Addressing concerns that he might interfere with funding for stem cell research, Borg told lawmakers at the hearing that he would not jeopardize ongoing or planned projects.

But Borg's opponents remained dissatisfied.

"There are serious reservations surrounding his appointment, as he failed to dispel concerns about his convictions on core moral issues related to his portfolio," said the co-presidents of the Green and European Free Alliance group in the parliament.

"He must now be proactive in promoting policies based on core EU values - such as respect for minorities and women's rights."

(Additional reporting by Sebastian Moffett and Silvia Antonioli)


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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Gamer plays 'Black Ops 2' for 135 hours, sets world record


2 days


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44 min.

What does playing "Call of Duty: Black Ops 2" for 135 hours looks like??As you can see from the photo above it looks ... not so good.

But hey, that's the price for setting?a world record ... right? Right?

Okan Kaya of Sydney, Australia,?spent the last seven days setting a new record for the longest marathon first-person shooter gaming session.?He spent 135 hours and 50 minutes playing the new?"Call of Duty: Black Ops 2" game.

His employer???computer cable company?4Cabling???has been documenting his progress on its website and?its?Facebook page. On?Tuesday,?his co-workers announced that Kaya, a sales manager, had not only set the record but had finished with a "Black Ops 2" career?ranking of 29th among some 5 million players.

"It took 7 DAYS of mental & physical stamina & he crushed it!" his co-workers wrote on Facebook.

I checked in with the?Guinness World Records office, which confirmed that?Kaya did register his plans to make a run for the record.?"While no Guinness World Records adjudicator was on site to verify, we await for Okan to send across all the necessary and required evidence across to in order for our records team to properly authenticate," a Guinness spokesperson said.

If everything looks good to the folks at Guinness, Kaya will have beaten the record?previously held by Canadians Chris Gloyd and Timothy Bell, who played "Resistance" and "Resistance 2"?for?120 hours and?7 minutes in March 2012.

Meanwhile, let's be thankful that Kaya is?still alive to enjoy his new title. After all, other gamers haven't been so lucky after marathon play sessions. A 20-year-old gamer from England died from a pulmonary embolism?after a lengthy gaming session. And a teen gamer in Taiwan died after a "Diablo 3" binge.

But it seems Kaya tackled at least some of the risks to his circulatory system by?occasionally?using a Stair Master while he was playing.

It?seems?that difficult task should warrant some kind of a world record of its own: World record for longest time spent gaming while walking in place perhaps??

-?Via Wired

Winda Benedetti?writes?about video?games for NBC?News. You can follow her tweets about games and other things?on Twitter?here?@WindaBenedetti?and you can?follow her?on?Google+.?Meanwhile, be sure to check?out the?IN-GAME?FACEBOOK PAGE?to discuss the day's?gaming news and reviews.


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Irish trying to turn USC rivalry their way

A No. 1 sign is lit atop of Grace Hall on the University of Notre Dame campus, Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012, in South Bend, Ind. The No. 1 sign reflects the poll ranking for their NCAA college football team. Notre Dame (11-0), ranked No. 1 in both polls and by the computer ratings, needs only to defeat slumping rival Southern California on Saturday Nov. 24 in Los Angeles to earn its first trip to the BCS title game. (AP Photo/South Bend Tribune, Mike Hartman)

A No. 1 sign is lit atop of Grace Hall on the University of Notre Dame campus, Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012, in South Bend, Ind. The No. 1 sign reflects the poll ranking for their NCAA college football team. Notre Dame (11-0), ranked No. 1 in both polls and by the computer ratings, needs only to defeat slumping rival Southern California on Saturday Nov. 24 in Los Angeles to earn its first trip to the BCS title game. (AP Photo/South Bend Tribune, Mike Hartman)

Notre Dame wide receiver John Goodman, left, celebrates with tight end Troy Niklas after scoring a touchdown against Wake Forest during the first half of an NCAA college football game in South Bend, Ind., Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

Southern California head coach Lane Kiffin looks on during the first half of an NCAA college football game against UCLA, Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012, in Pasadena, Calif. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

The Notre Dame-USC rivalry has been defined by dominance over the last four decades. Two of college football's most celebrated teams have alternated long runs of success in the series that have coincided with the ups and downs of the programs.

When the Fighting Irish and Trojans meet for the 84th time on Saturday in the Los Angeles Coliseum, Notre Dame will be playing for a spot in the national championship while USC will be trying to salvage a disappointing season.

The Irish appear primed to turn the rivalry back in their direction after a decade of USC ownership.

During Southern California's most recent dynasty, coach Pete Carroll's Trojans reeled off eight straight victories against the Irish from 2002-09, the longest winning streak by USC in the series.

In 2010, Brian Kelly's first season as Notre Dame coach, the Irish snapped that streak, 20-16, with the help of a memorable dropped pass that would have been a sure touchdown. USC came right back and won last season in South Bend, Ind., 31-17, to make it nine out of 10.

"Well, it's not a great rivalry right now," Kelly said this week. "We haven't won enough games. They've had the upper hand on this. We need to make this a rivalry."

From the mid-80s through the mid-90s, it was USC that was trying to make it a rivalry. As USC struggled to hold its place among the elite programs in college football, the Irish often contended for national titles under Lou Holtz and went 12-0-1 against the Trojans.

That number helps explain the relatively short tenures of coaches Ted Tollner (1983-86) and Larry Smith (1987-92) at USC.

Lane Kiffin is hoping his USC career is more like Carroll's than Smith's, but it has certainly been a tough season for the Trojans. They started the season, their first after a two-year, NCAA-imposed postseason ban, ranked No. 1, and with the presumptive Heisman Trophy front-runner in senior star quarterback Matt Barkley.

Maybe expectations were too high for a team that lacked depth and had some question marks on both lines. But few would have predicted that USC would head into its finale against Notre Dame 7-4 and unranked. Even more startling is that it's Notre Dame that will take the field Saturday as the unbeaten No. 1 team in the country, two victories from its first national championship since 1988.

The Fighting Irish started the season unranked. The last team to start out of the rankings and reach No. 1 was Missouri in 2007. The Tigers lost their final game before the bowls, falling to Oklahoma in the Big 12 title game, and lost a chance to play for the national title.

But maybe we shouldn't be so surprised about the Irish. Holtz, Dan Devine, Ara Parseghian and Frank Leahy all won national championships in their third season as Notre Dame coach, all beating USC along the way.

The picks:


TCU (plus 7) at No. 18 Texas

Old Southwest Conference rivals, Frogs beat Horns once from 1968-95. ... TEXAS 32-27.


No. 8 LSU (minus 12) at Arkansas

Before last year's big LSU victory, previous six meetings were one-score games. ... LSU 35-21.

No. 17 Nebraska (minus 14?) at Iowa

Huskers clinch spot in Big Ten championship game with victory or Michigan loss. ... NEBRASKA 28-17.

Ohio (plus 10?) at No. 23 Kent State

Golden Flashes already have MAC East title clinched. ... KENT STATE 34-27.

No. 24 Northern Illinois (minus 20) at Eastern Michigan

Huskies have MAC West title clinched. ... NORTHERN ILLINOIS 41-14.


No. 1 Notre Dame (minus 7) at Southern California

USC QB Max Wittek tries to carve out spot in Trojans history in first start. ... NOTRE DAME 24-14.

Auburn (plus 31?) at No. 2 Alabama

Nick Saban is merciful. ... ALABAMA 35-0.

Georgia Tech (plus 13) at No. 3 Georgia

SEC title game is locked up, but this is to keep Bulldogs' national championship hopes alive. ... GEORGIA 51-28.

No. 20 Michigan (plus 3?) at No. 4 Ohio State

Perfection on line for Buckeyes in Urban Meyer's first game against Michigan. ... OHIO STATE 27-20.

No. 5 Oregon (minus 9?) at No. 16 Oregon State

Ducks need to win and have UCLA beat Stanford to reach Pac-12 title game. ... OREGON 45-24.

No. 6 Florida (plus 8) at No. 10 Florida State

Both teams still in national title hunt. ... FLORIDA STATE 17-13.

Missouri (plus 22) at No. 9 Texas A&M

Last Heisman showcase for Johnny Football. ... TEXAS A&M 45-21.

No. 11 Stanford (minus 1?) at No. 15 UCLA

Cardinal can clinch Pac-12 North with victory, set up rematch with Bruins in title game. ... UCLA 27-24.


No. 13 South Carolina (plus 4) at No. 12 Clemson

Tigers could all but lock up BCS at-large bid. ... SOUTH CAROLINA 38-31.


No. 22 Oklahoma State (plus 7) at No. 14 Oklahoma

Big 12 title still a possibility for Sooners. ... OKLAHOMA 38-24.

UConn (plus 12) at No. 19 Louisville

Cardinals a win away from BCS-bid showdown at Rutgers ... LOUISVILLE 28-13.

No. 21 Rutgers (plus 2) at Pittsburgh

No easy games for Scarlet Knights ... RUTGERS 20-17.

No. 25 Mississippi State (plus 1) at Mississippi

Bulldogs have won three straight Egg Bowls ... OLE MISS 28-24.

Idaho (plus 39) at No. 25 Utah State

Took a while for everyone to realize it, but Aggies are really good. ... UTAH STATE 48-7.

Last week's record: 15-6 (straight); 5-9 (vs. points)

Season record: 197-43 (straight); 110-104 (vs. points)

Best bets: 5-7.

Upset specials: 7-5.


Follow Ralph D. Russo at

Associated Press


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Tuesday, November 20, 2012


The Will to Survive

A new disease is sweeping across the US turning those infected into flesh craving monstrosities. They've lost all humanity and their only instinct is to feed. Now with a zombie apocalypse befalling the nation, those immune to the virus but try to survive.


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Texas only border state to allow aerial shooting

Associated Press

Posted on November 18, 2012 at 3:22 PM

Updated today at 2:30 AM

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) ? Texas is the only border state that allows and trains its officers to fire on suspects from airborne helicopters, a policy the state's Department of Public Safety says is necessary to combat increasing drug and human trafficking operations.

The Austin American-Statesman reports Sunday that California, Arizona and New Mexico do not all have rules barring troopers from firing from the air, but that it is clear to them that this would not be permitted because it is too risky. The three states and Texas share a border with Mexico.

The newspaper reports Texas trains officers to fire from the air. Trooper Miguel Avila, whose shots from a helicopter killed two unarmed illegal immigrants from Guatemala last month, received 44 hours of specialized training in aircraft operations and tactical shooting.


Information from: Austin American-Statesman,


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Monday, November 19, 2012

The best cameras (and smartest camera buys) of 2012

13 hrs.

This has been one of the most exciting years yet for, as the photographic industry put the woes of 2011 behind it to release some truly amazing cameras. From flagship DSLRs to incredible compacts, there was a seemingly endless parade of superb cameras to test. Out of this diverse and ever-growing market, we have selected the very best, the cameras we would recommend to not only you, but to our friends and families as well.

(Note: Pricing listed is manufacturer's suggested retail price. Chances are, you'll find many of these cameras at much better prices at your favorite retailers ? especially this close to Black Friday.)

Best point-and-shoot camera
Nikon P7700?-?MSRP?$499.95

Sony RX100?-?MSRP?$649.99

It's been an ugly year for the bottom end of the point-and-shoot camera market, but at the same time the upper tier has flourished. Impressive high-end compacts from virtually every major manufacturer passed through our labs this year, but we found the Nikon P7700 outdid them all. With a 7x optical zoom, fully articulating screen, hot shoe, and plenty of physical controls on a body with superb handling characteristics, the $500 Nikon P7700 is the best point-and-shoot we tested this year.

The Sony RX100 is a close second, however, with a larger sensor and a slightly brighter lens. The result of that combination is excellent low-light capabilities and attractively blurred backgrounds. While the P7700 outperformed the RX100 in the lab, shots from Sony's flagship compact have an aesthetic quality that no other camera in its class can match. On the other hand, we were less impressed with its characterless handling and newbie-oriented user interface. Its high price is a concern, too.

Best value point-and-shoot camera
Canon PowerShot?ELPH110 HS?-?MSRP?$229.99

Nikon S6300?-?MSRP?$199.95

Canon PowerShots have long been the go-to recommendation for anyone looking for an inexpensive, simple camera that offers decent image quality. The 110 HS carries that torch well, with a 3-inch rear?LCD, 5x optical zoom, and a size and shape that can easily slip into all but the tightest pockets. With smartphones getting better and better, there's not much room left for cameras like this, but if you want higher-resolution photos or an optical zoom at a low price, the 110 HS is a great option.

Best overall-bang-for-your-buck?camera
Samsung WB150F?-?MSRP?$229.99

Sony?NEX-F3?-?MSRP?$599.99 w/ 18-55mm lens

Just because the budget point-and-shoot category hasn't seen much love in 2012 doesn't mean you can't still find bargains. With a street price that frequently drops below $200, the WB150F offers image quality on par with more expensive cameras. A smart design, solid handling, and built-in Wi-Fi gave us plenty to like about this camera. There are cheaper options available, to be sure, but this is one of the best cost-to-value propositions on the market today.

We also want to reserve a special mention for the entry-level model in Sony's?NEX?line, the?NEX-F3. Like the?NEX-C3 before it, the F3 perfoms as well as cameras that cost north of $1000 for a price of right around $600 (with a kit lens included). Getting that kind of quality for such a low price is practically unheard of, which makes the?NEX-F3 a perfect introduction to interchangeable lens cameras for those on a tight budget.

Best super-zoom camera
Canon PowerShot SX50 HS?-?MSRP?$479.99

Panasonic FZ200?-?MSRP?$599.99

The Canon PowerShot SX50 HS takes home our super-zoom award this year thanks to its combination of solid design, excellent ease-of-use, and great overall image quality. Of course, it's hard to argue with the SX50's credentials when it sports a ridiculous 50x optical zoom. The SX50 HS is more than a one-trick pony, though, as it performed well enough to take the top prize over some serious competition from both Panasonic and Sony.

The Panasonic FZ200 is the runner-up here, largely due to its excellent 24x zoom lens. The FZ200 is unique in the super-zoom market in that its lens maintains a wide f/2.8 aperture all the way through its optical zoom range. The Canon SX50 did better in the labs and offers nearly double the zoom range, but the FZ200's aperture is more than twice as wide at full zoom, helping keep motion blur under control.

Best travel zoom camera
Canon PowerShot SX260 HS?-?MSRP?$299.99

Sony HX30V?-?MSRP?$419.99

Canon also takes home our award for best travel zoom of the year with the SX260 HS. Its combination of a solid 20x optical zoom and a sleek, stylish, compact design will probably check all the boxes for many casual users. If you need a big zoom range in a camera that will easily slip into a jacket pocket, the SX260 HS is our unqualified recommendation. A close second, however, is the Sony HX30V. The HX30V falls behind the SX260 HS in overall performance, but it offers superior video capture capability, which will be a big deal to some users.

Best waterproof camera
Olympus Tough TG-1?-?MSRP?$399.99

Panasonic Lumix TS4?-?MSRP?$429.99

We dunked every waterproof camera we could find for our roundup this past spring, and one camera rose above the rest. We found the Olympus TG-1 produced the best images of the lot, with an f/2.0 lens letting in plenty of light. In addition, the TG-1 can go to depths of 40 feet and is rated to withstand dust, cold, and even drops of up to 6.6 feet. Those credentials easily earn it the award here, and really it's a fine point-and-shoot camera no matter the conditions.

Best compact system camera
Sony?NEX-7?-?MSRP?$1249.99 w/ 18-55mm lens

Olympus OM-D E-M5?-?MSRP?$1099.99 w/ 14-42mm lens

The Sony Alpha?NEX-7 was one of the first truly high-end compact system cameras to hit the market, with great handling, an articulating?LCD, three control dials, and built-in electronic viewfinder. The?NEX-7's 24.3-megapixel?CMOS?image sensor is of the same?APS-C standard size as you'd find in many larger DSLRs, offering superb dynamic range and excellent shot-to-shot speeds. While we wish the?NEX?system had a few more high-quality lenses to complement its great cameras, we feel the?NEX-7 is the best performing compact system camera you can pick up today.

That said, the Olympus OM-D E-M5 put up a serious fight, sporting an excellent Sony-produced sensor and vintage Olympus looks. The E-M5 is one of the more popular cameras of 2012, with weather sealing and a level of customization few cameras can match. We think it's a fine option for anyone who wants a little more retro flavor?and access to the Micro Four Thirds ecosystem?with their compact system camera, and we doubt you'll be disappointed if you pick one up.

Best value system camera for video
Canon Rebel T4i?-?MSRP?$1149.99 w/ 18-135mm?STM?lens

Sony?NEX-5R?-?MSRP?$749.99 w/ 18-55mm lens

While some fantastic and fantastically expensive video cameras have come through our labs this year, we understand that not everyone is willing to shell out several thousand dollars for high-end video capability. Those looking for solid video from a budget-friendly system camera should look no further than the Canon Rebel T4i. The T4i captures appealing full HD video, has full manual control, and sports nearly silent continuous autofocus while recording clips. At a body-only price of just $799.99, we think the T4i is a great option for those who want quality stills and HD video in one cheap package.

Sony?s line of?NEX?system cameras all are capable of recording excellent video, but theNEX-5R offers the best value of the bunch. Like the Canon T4i, the?NEX-5R handles autofocus very well, and, although the camera doesn?t have a fully rotatable?LCD, it does have a screen that tilts up and down to accommodate various shooting angles. In terms of performance, the?NEX-5R basically matched the Canon T4i in our video tests, but we gave the Canon an edge in handling thanks to its better grip and easier access to video controls.

Camera of the year
Canon 1D X?-?MSRP?$6799.00 body-only

Nikon D4?-?MSRP?$5999.95

While there were only a couple high-end cameras brought to market in 2011, this year saw the eventual release of some incredible full-frame models from each of the major players. With some fantastic mid-range bodies also seeing the light of day, the Canon 1D X had stiff competition for our top spot once it finally was released to the public. Despite the delay, the 1D X bested all comers in our lab tests, producing the highest overall score of the year. While it's certainly too big, too expensive, and simply?too much?for most people, the Canon 1D X is, hands-down, the best camera from 2012.

The Nikon D4 also graced our labs this year, and we found that it offered performance that exceeded the 1D X in some areas, falling behind in others. We should reserve special mention for the D4's backlit control labels and uncompressed?HDMI?video output. The D4 is an impressive machine that any pro shooting Nikon should be proud to own, but it falls just behind the 1D X in our overall scoring.

For more of's favorite cameras, photo?innovations and accessories of 2012, read on.


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