Monday, October 15, 2012

Writing Productivity: Learning To Write And Submit Articles ...

Author: Steve Shaw | Total views: 146 Comments: 0
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Writing articles isn't that hard--if you can write an email, then you can write an article. The challenging part comes in when you try to write articles on a regular basis, which is necessary with article marketing. In order for article marketing to be as effective as possible, you'll need to be writing and submitting articles each month, possibly even each week.

So how do you go from writing no articles to writing multiple ones each month on a consistent basis?

I can totally relate to this problem, as I've dealt with it myself. When I first started to submit articles many years ago, I was not in the habit of writing anything on a regular basis. I had to train myself to be able to write consistently. It took some time, but I got there, and you can too.

Here are some tips I picked up when I was trying to learn how to submit articles consistently myself:

1 - Work up to your goal.

Get an idea in your head of how many articles you'd like to submit each month. That number is probably a lot more than you're used to writing, isn't it? Instead of putting pressure on yourself to suddenly write 8 articles a month (or whatever amount you've decided on), take baby steps toward your goal.

Maybe the first month you have the goal of writing 3 articles, then the next month 6, then the following month you'll reach your goal with 8. You'll be much more likely to stick with article marketing if you go easy on yourself and create a doable writing schedule.

2 - Put your writing sessions on your calendar.

It sounds so simple, but it's absolutely essential. At the beginning of the month when you've decided how many articles you're going to write, make a note on your calendar exactly which days you're to write those articles. Try not to wait until the end of the month when it's "crunch time"--you don't need that pressure. Rather, schedule your articles early in the month, but spaced out enough that you don't feel overwhelmed.

3 - Try to write earlier in the day.

I've been writing for some time now, and I always come back to the trick of writing early in the day. Now, I don't always take that advice myself, but when I don't I notice that writing gets harder. If I wait until the afternoon, my mind is more sluggish and I feel less like writing. On the days when I manage to get up a little early and sit down to write first thing, it seems like the writing just flows.

4 - Go easy on yourself, and focus on your achievements rather than how far you need to go.

Marketing with articles is about more than just writing and submitting content. No doubt as you get more into this marketing tool you'll discover a lot of tips and techniques for making the best title, the best resource box, the best article, not to mention thinking about how keywords play into your article submissions. It's a lot to take in, and it's very easy to get overwhelmed with everything you think you should be doing. Just take it easy--for now, you are focusing on learning how to write articles consistently, which is the foundation for a successful article marketing campaign. You will learn the rest in due time.

5- Recognize that writing is a skill, and you'll get better with more practice.

The same concept applies to the art of writing--you will probably feel a bit clumsy at first, but the more articles you write, the better you'll get.

6 - Address the questions of real people (your customers, clients--anyone who asks you questions about your niche) in your articles.

The articles that you create are meant to serve real people, and it's so helpful to take your article ideas from the people you talk with during the course of doing business. It helps to make your articles more relatable and relevant.

7 - Try different productivity methods.

There are tons of them out there, and which ones work for you are dependent on your personality and how you like to work. Here are a few that I've tried:

*Use a kitchen timer and give yourself a time limit for writing an article.

*Have a marathon writing sessions where you try to write the first draft for as many articles as possible.

*Create a simple outline, and then use that a springboard for your article.

*Try writing early in the morning or late at night, when everyone is in bed.

*Do a writing warm-up--just type anything (the alphabet, a poem, stream of consciousness, or just plain nonsense) for about 3 minutes, and it will help you when you turn to writing your articles.

There's no need to be concerned about if you'll be able to write a certain number of articles on a consistent basis. This is something that you'll grow into with a little effort, and your faithfulness and perseverance will benefit your website and your business over the long run.

Steve Shaw is a content syndication specialist. Do you own a blog? Need content? Join thousands of other blogs and get free high-quality, niche-focused, human-reviewed content from quality authors sent on auto-pilot - and it's all 100% free! Go to for more information.

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